20th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2007)

Our Common Future 22-26 April 2007
Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel
1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver
British Columbia, Canada

Message from the President of IEEE Canada

On behalf of IEEE Canada, Region 7, welcome to the 2007 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 07). We are pleased to host the 20th IEEE Canada conference, and to welcome you to beautiful Vancouver. The program this year promises many interesting papers on some of the most current technical developments. I hope that you will take full advantage of the three days of technical sessions

Also, on Monday evening, the conference hosts IEEE Canada annual award banquet, where the premier awards for Canadian achievement in Electrical and Computer Engineering will be presented. I do hope that you will attend the banquet, and honour our prestigious award winners. We are very proud of their achievements, and honoured to be able to recognize them in front of so many of their colleagues.

This CCECE conference has its heritage in the Canadian Society of Electrical and Computer Engineering, which subsequently merged with IEEE Region 7 to form IEEE Canada, our national Society. We have grown to over 16,000 members nationwide, and we hope to continue to attract members who can share in the exciting developments of the coming years. If you are not already an IEEE Member I strongly encourage you to join today and become actively involved in your local section or one of the 40 technical societies that closely reflect your interest.

Please take full advantage of the opportunity to network with your peers, and to learn from the authors about their work.

I'd also like to thank the CCECE 07 conference organizing committee. These dedicated volunteers have worked very hard for the past two years to arrange the program and the logistics of the conference. As with any large and complex endeavour, they have faced many challenges. All committee members took each of these in stride, and continually came back stronger and fresher to find creative workable solutions. The conference today is evidence of their success.

Have a great stay in Vancouver and looking forward for meeting you at CCECE 07.

Robert Hanna, P.Eng., Ph.D., FIEEE, FEIC, FIEE
2006-2007 IEEE Canada President

Sponsored by IEEE Canada and the IEEE Vancouver & IEEE Victoria sections.
last update 2007-4-3 by