The Wonders of Technology
May 4-7, 2008
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada
The following Author's Guide is provided to ensure that your complete paper
is accepted for review and that, following acceptance, your complete paper
is accepted for presentation AND publication.
Paper Publication
Full Paper Submission
Paper Presentation Style
Student Paper Competition
Revised Paper Submission
Paper Publication
Papers accepted for publication at the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2008, will be published in the Conference proceedings and will be available worldwide from the IEEE through IEEE Xplore
Full Paper Submission
Note that CCECE 2008 will be using a full paper review process. Submit a four (4) page full paper (2 extra pages are permitted with a $50.00 per page surcharge) using the EDAS Submission system for the CCECE 2008 conference at:
Make certain that you choose a track that best suits the paper.
The deadline for the paper submission is Friday, January 4, 2008.
All pertinent information, including how the formatting of the paper should be, as well as guidelines on how to write a paper that is to standard with CCECE'08 can be found at:
IMPORTANT: Do not put page numbers on your document.
Appropriate page numbers will be added to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.
Paper Presentation Style
Once final papers are received, the Technical Program Committee will finalize the program and assign your paper to either an oral presentation session or a poster presentation session. Once these assignments have been made, please prepare the appropriate style of presentation. Guidelines for preparation of your presentation are found in the CCECE'08 Paper Kit.
Student Paper Competition
Eligible papers entered for the Student Paper Competition will be integrated in the regular Conference sessions. Judging of the Student papers will be done separately.
Note: To be eligible, the first author listed on the paper must be a student. To qualify as a student for registration purposes, the author must be registered full-time in a degree program in a University/College and an IEEE member.
Revised Paper Submission
You may submit your revised paper by replacing your uploaded initial paper on the EDAS Submission system with your revised paper by Friday March 7, 2008.
Your paper must be checked for IEEE Xplore compatible PDF format (see the CCECE'08 Paper Kit for the link and instructions).
For publication in the proceedings, the Conference Committee must have received, by the deadline of Friday March 7, 2008:
The IEEE copyright form for your paper must be signed and submitted via the online conference submission system
via this link:
by the final submission deadline of Friday March 7, 2008.
The registration form should be submitted along with the
appropriate fees as directed on the Registration Page.
The paper kit for CCECE has been updated. Authors are now asked to include the following copyright
notice on the bottom left hand side of the first page of their final camera ready paper.
978-1-4244-1643-1/08/$25 � 2008 IEEE
Both Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates in the paper kit have been updated to produce this.
Detailed instructions for preparing and checking full papers are
provided in the CCECE'08 Paper Kit
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