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Dr. Samuel Pierre

Dr. Samuel Pierre is currently a Professor of Computer Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal, where he is Director of the Mobile Computing and Networking Research Laboratory (LARIM) and NSERC/Ericsson Industrial Research Chair in Next-Generation Mobile Networking Systems. He is the author or co-author of six books, 15 book chapters, 16 edited books, as well as over 300 other technical publications including journal and proceedings papers. He received the Best Paper Award of the Ninth International Workshop in Expert Systems and their Applications (France, 1989), the Distinguished Paper Award from OPNETWORK'2003 (Washington, U.S.A.), and special mention from Telecoms Magazine (France, 1994) for one of his co-authored books, Télécommunications et transmission de données (Eyrolles, 1992), among others. His research interests include wireline and wireless networks, mobile computing, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, and electronic learning. He is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, a senior member of IEEE, and a member of the ACM and the IEEE Communications Society. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Letters, the Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the IEEE Canadian Review. He is also a Regional Editor of the Journal of Computer Science and he serves on the editorial board of Telematics and Informatics, published by Elsevier Science.

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