Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Before You Begin


The Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering is committed to the timely publication of high-quality papers that advance the state of the art in Electrical and Computer Engineering research. The journal publishes theoretical research presenting new techniques, concepts, or analyses and applied contributions reporting on experiences and experiments with actual systems.


Policies on Plagiarism


Submission of previously published work or works under review at a different journal is strictly forbidden and could attract severe penalties.This is the act of double submission and a serious departure from honesty under IEEE plagiarism guidelines followed by the CJECE editorial board. Papers that have been previously published fully or in part in another journal or book will not be considered for publication in CJECE.

In case a submission contains material which has been previously published in any form, Authors must include specific information identifying such prior publication(s) together with a link to the publication(s), as well as a brief explanation of the differences between the prior publication(s) and the present submission. The IEEE guidelines state that it is not uncommon in technical publishing for material to be presented at various stages of its evolution. For instance, new ideas can be published in a workshop, more developed work can go in a conference proceeding, and a fully developed contribution can take the form of a journal or transactions paper. This publication process is an important means of scientific communication. However, it is required that this evolutionary process is fully referenced by the author(s).


Paper Categories

The CJECE accepts the following categories of papers for publication;

  1. Papers presenting new and original results, techniques or concepts in a research area.
  2. Survey/Tutorial-style papers providing a rigorous analysis of existing results in a research area.


Peer Review

After the Editor-in-Chief determines that a paper is suitable for publication, it will be assigned to an Associate Editor who will determine a group of reviewers selected for their expertise in that given field. During this process, an author is often asked to expand, rewrite, or explain further the content of his/her paper. It is not uncommon that an author is asked to provide another draft with the suggested changes for further review.


Acceptance Criteria

The principal criteria for acceptance of a submitted manuscript are significance of the topic or experimental question, conformity to rigorous standards of evidence and scholarship, and clarity of writing. No manuscript that has been published (including in an electronic form) or is under consideration elsewhere may be submitted.


Copyright Information

The CJECE requires a filled and signed copy of the IEEE Copyright Form when a manuscript is uploaded for submission. This is consistent with the IEEE policy.


Submission Charges and Payment

Manuscript submission to CJECE requires payment at two points over the course of time that your paper is being considered/prepared for publication.

  1. A Deposit of 100CAD is required upon initial submission of the manuscript. This should be done before the paper is uploaded on Manuscript Central. Submissions for which the deposit has not been made will not move into the review stage.
  2. Upon acceptance of your paper, a Page Charge of 100CAD / published page is required. Page Charges become payable once the Publication Editor has sent a draft camera-ready PDF to you, following approval of the manuscript for publication. If your paper is approved for publication, the initial 100CAD deposit will be applied to your Page Charges. Otherwise, it will be returned to you.

CJECE accepts Paypal transactions for both payments. Authors are advised to use the payment links provided on the left navigation column.


Paper Revision Time Frame

CJECE is committed to the timely publication of high-quality journal articles. Consequently, the result of the review process ends with an acceptance (with minor/major revision) or rejection of the paper. For both cases of acceptance, authors will be informed by the Associate Editor handling the paper of the required time-frame for revision.


Publication Language

CJECE accepts submissions in both English and French Languages. The Journal Issues are also published in both languages. Authors are advised to submit manuscripts written in plain and clear language.


ScholarOne Submissions

As of January 1st, 2012, the CJECE is accepting papers only through the Manuscript Central web site operated by ScholarOne Inc. The site is self instructing and very easy to use. Authors are required to first create an account. After the registration and submission of the manuscript, a simple log-in will take you to the site for follow-ups, paper status, etc. Help with ScholarOne can be found here

Authors who are already familiar with CJECE journal document formatting and submission procedures can proceed directly to pay the Initial Review Deposit using the link on the left.