Best Student Paper Competition, CCECE'01
Fibre-wireless channel estimation using correlation properties of PN sequences*
Xavier N. Fernando and Abu B. Sesay
Encoding of colour still pictures by wavelet transform and vector quantization*
Shin-ichi Kadono, Osamu Tahara, and Noriyoshi Okamoto
Design of a multilevel DRAM with adjustable cell capacity*
Yunan Xiang, Bruce F. Cockburn, and Duncan G. Elliott
Large-scale power system transient and dynamic stability using delayed-operation FLPSS-AVR controller coordination
M.A.L. Badr, F.A. Khalifa, S.A. Gawish, and W. Sabry
Radiation patterns of a portable radio handset with simple head models
C.W. Trueman, S.J. Kubina, J.E. Roy, and W.R. Lauber
A functional memory implementation of the M-Max NLMS adaptive algorithm
Taisir Eldos, K. Mayyas, and Tyseer Aboulnasr