Energy-aware dynamic resource allocation heuristics for clustered processors
Baniasadi, A.
Control and optimization of shunt active power filter parameters by fuzzy logic
Mekri, F. ; Mazari, B. ; Machmoum, M.
Modified PWM with a new indirect current control technique applied to a single-phase shunt active power filter
Rahmani, S. ; Al-Haddad, K. ; Kanaan, H. ; Fnaiech, F.
Spectral analysis of Arabic speech signals: Cases of children with normal and impaired hearing
Boutana, D. ; Benidir, M.
Nonlinear tuning of aircraft controllers using genetic global optimization: A new periodic mutation operator
Garcia, S. ; Saad, M. ; Akhrif, O.
An artificial neural network for online tuning of genetic algorithm-based PI controller for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
Rahman, M.A. ; Uddin, M.N. ; Abido, M.A.
A new low-latency forced handoff protocol for wireless cellular systems
Hendessi, F. ; Moayedian, N.S. ; Ghayoori, A. ; Gulliver, T.A.