Model predictive control versus traditional proportional delay differentiation algorithms
Mahramian, M. ; Taheri, H. ; Haeri, M.
New stability method applied to the stabilization of fuzzy control systems
Christensen, G. ; Saif, M.
Neurofuzzy prediction for gaze control
Cuevas, E. ; Zaldivar, D. ; Rojas, R.
Permittivity measurement of disk and annular dielectric samples using coaxial transmission line fixtures. part I: theory and formulation
Kehn, M.N.M. ; Shafai, L. ; Noghanian, S.
Permittivity measurement of disk and annular dielectric samples using coaxial transmission line fixtures. part II: experimentation and accuracy analyses
Kehn, M.N.M. ; Shafai, L. ; Safari, F. ; Noghanian, S.
Two high-performance and low-power serial communication interfaces for on-chip interconnects
Salih Alj, Y. ; Despins, C. ; Affes, S.
A fast acquisition system for ultra-wideband wireless multiple-access communications
Saneei, M. ; Afzali-Kusha, A. ; Pedram, M.
Thickness analysis and reconstruction of trabecular bone and bone substitute microstructure based on fuzzy distance map using both ridge and thinning skeletonization
Darabi, A. ; Chandelier, F. ; Baroud, G.
High-speed axial-flux permanent-magnet generator with coreless stator
Sadeghierad, M. ; Lesani, H. ; Monsef, H. ; Darabi, A.
An accurate voltage solution method for radial distribution systems
Venkatesh, B. ; Dukpa, A. ; Chang, L.