IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Travel Grant
The Vehicular Technologies Conference ’98 generated a surplus. A part of
the surplus was presented to the IEEE Canada Board of Directors with the
stipulation that the funds be administered for the benefit of students.
IEEE Canada will distribute a part of the interest of this surplus as
the “IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Travel Grant”.
To support IEEE student members of Canadian (IEEE Region 7) Universities
or Colleges who wish to attend and present a paper at a Vehicular
Technologies Conference or other IEEE Conference related to Vehicular
Technologies, in 2004.
Application deadline: November 1st
Selection of recipient(s): November
Region ExCom approval: December
Recipient notified: December
Candidates for this grant shall be IEEE Student Members in good standing
in a Canadian University or College, independent of the level of
study (college, undergraduate or graduate).
Each travel grant will be up to 50% of actual travel costs, based on
submitted receipts in accordance with the current IEEE Canada Travel
Expenses Guidelines, up to a maximum of $1500 per student, per calendar
year. More than one bursary could be awarded per year, but the total
amount should not exceed $1500 per year.
Application Package
The application will contain at a minimum the following:
1. Name of conference or IEEE Activity
2. Paper title and abstract or detailed explanation of reason for attending the IEEE activity
3. Proof of acceptance for presentation or attendance of IEEE activity
4. Budget of anticipated travel costs
Basis of Selection
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Relevancy of the conference/activity with Vehicular Technologies technical field(s)
2. Sponsorship of the conference/activity by the IEEE
3. Presentation of a paper accepted by the conference committee
4. Relevancy of the paper presented to Vehicular Technologies technical field(s)
Submit Applications
Applications will be directed to the IEEE Canada Administrative Assistant at the following
Cathie Lowell
18 Robinhood Drive,
Dundas, Ontario
L9H 4G1
Once a travel grant has been approved for a student to attend a specific
conference, this student may still receive the bursary even if the
paper(s) was not accepted by the conference committee. The grant may
only be used to attend the event specified in the application submitted.
A letter of congratulation by IEEE Canada will be issued to all
recipients of this award as well as a cheque upon submission of the
expense report with receipts.