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List of Office Bearers
Mentor: Prof. Bhaskar Gupta, prof. Dept. of E.T.C.E., JU
Councellor: Mr. Sayan Chatterjee, Asst. Prof. Dept. of E.T.C.E., JU
Chairperson: Anindita Kundu, S.R.F. Dept. of E.T.C.E., JU
Vice-chairman: Suman Shankar Bhunia, Student, SMCC, JU
Secretary: Prasun Chowdhury,S.R.F. Dept. of E.T.C.E., JU
Treasurer: Budhaditya Bhattacharyya, J.R.F., Dept. of E.T.C.E.
Webmaster: Deepon Saha, M.Tech Student, Dept. of E.T.C.E.
© To IEEE Student Branch @ JU