IEEE Delhi Student Congress

Execomm members from BVPIEEE represented the student branch at IEEE Delhi Student Congress. It is an initiative by IEEE Delhi Section on the lines of the IEEE All India Student Congress(AISC). The main motive of DSC is to improve networking across student branches within the Delhi section and the student branch of BVCOE took active part throughout the Congress making better interactions with student branches across Delhi.

Having previously been hosted by IEEE NSIT Student Branch and IEEE JMI Student Branch at their respective institutions, IEEE DTU Student Branch was given the responsibility of hosting DSC 2015 and BVPIEEE took immense pleasure in congratulating the student branch of IEEEDTU for a good show.

It was an enriching experience for BVPIEEE as the student branch took home new friends; colleagues; lots of knowledge; and industrial exposure. Panel and general discussions among the attendees could make the Delhi Section as a whole aware of the issues with their co-branches in Delhi. It was a platform to discuss issues, share grievances and take steps for implementation of their feasible solutions for betterment of IEEE Delhi Section.


Day 1, 10 January 2015

The inauguration ceremony began with lamp lighting, which was followed by welcome address by Dr. S.Indu, the Branch Counselor of the IEEE DTU Student Branch. She talked about the achievements and plans of DTU student branch of IEEE. Dr. Indu was followed by Prof. Mini Shaji Thomas (Executive Vice-Chair, IEEE Delhi Section), the Guest of Honor for the day whotalked about the benefits of being the members of IEEE as students and how to make the best use out of it. Mr. Ravi Batra, Chairperson of the IEEE DTU Student Branch, was the next to address the gathering. He informed the audience about the various events that IEEE DTU organizes round the calendar.This was followed by a short tea break where the attendees were seen interacting amongst themselves so as to improve networking and discuss about their branches and plans. After the tea break, Prof. Mini Thomas presented a keynote on the topic of ‘Smart Cities’- a new concept in modern technically sound societies of the world. The Indian Government has taken the following four important features into account for tagging a city as smart:-

  1. Citizens
  2. Employment
  3. Quality of life
  4. Infrastructure

She explained all the above points in detail and concluded her note with a summary of the basic concepts of a smart city. She asked students to contact her freely in case of any queries

The next in line to acknowledge the podium was Dr. Prerna Gaur who talked about the activities of Delhi section and the history and life of IEEE so far. She talked about prominent chapters of Asia Pacific region and mentioned that BVPIEEE is the only student Chapter in Asia Pacific region which has the Honour Society- HKN. (Lambda Eta Chapter). She talked about the SIGs conducted in student branches and also about the affinity group – ‘WIE: Women in Engineering’ and told about the activities held in the various IEEE branches and the student competitions organized by IEEE globally. Dr.Gaur then invited Dr. Rachana Garg on the stage, who gave a presentation on WIE and PES. She went on about the plus points of being a WIE member and the WIE activities that are organized by different Student branches. Next to take the stage was Ms. Disha Chhabra (Author and DCE/IIM-C Alumni). She talked about making the right choices when it comes to one’s career.She was inspiring and made the attendees introspect into their career goals and decisions.

Day 2, 11 January 2015

The event commenced at 11:00 am the next day. Dr. Amit Roy, who is currently working with Freescale (India) as the Senior Principal Expert in Low Power Design Methodology and Power Integrity and Signal Integrity group took the participants through his presentation mainly along the lines of algorithmic development of low power design methodology and power/signal integrity of high speed communication interface.

Attendees from individual Student Branches were given the opportunity to give presentations at separate stalls to showcase their branch activities and share what they do. BVPIEEE had proudly put up their stall and Arunima Sharma and Priyansh represented the SB via the stall. IEEE-HKN, WIE and the 6 SIGs under BVPIEEE were all represented. The organisers were impressed by the stall as it was simple and sleak.