BVPIEEE Intro Meet 2015



The formal BVPIEEE Introductory Meet was concocted on 17th August, 2015 in the college auditorium. The meet witnessed an overwhelming response wherein more than 200 students showed up. The main objective of the meet was to introduce the freshers with IEEE and IEEE-HKN societies from a broader perspective. In the meet experiences, challenges and benefits of being a BVPIEEE member were discussed which not only encouraged them just to join our student chapter, but to be an inevitably active atom of the society.

The meet commenced by a welcome speech by the BVPIEEE chair Dharvi Verma which was followed by a presentation answering what? Why? And how? About BVPIEEE. The event progressed with a briefing of various SIGs functional under the umbrella of BVPIEEE including Robotix United(the robotics society), Drishti(the photography club), GAMMA(the gaming, Multimedia and Animation SIG), codex(the coding SIG), WIE(the women in engineering SIG ), BQC(the quizzing club) and E-cell(the entrepreneurship cell) by the means of interactive games and presentations that ensured that student’s attention didn’t waver and they get the upshot of the events planned by the SIG ‘s in the following term.

The event ended on a high note by a moving and motivational speech by the BVPIEEE vice Chair Shivam Bhardwaj which captivated the students and left them striving for more.

The event served its purpose of introducing BVPIEEE to the Frosh and highlighting the diverse membership benefits.