Women In Engineering (WIE)


The IEEE Student Branch of Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering got the approval for starting the women in engineering student branch affinity group on 21st June 2007


  • To mentor young women in junior and high schools and make them interested in the fields of science and technology (STAR Program).
  • To increase networking among the young women who are studying engineering.
  • To establish contacts with prominent women in academia and industry who are interested in guiding girls in engineering.
  • To organize field trips and industrial visits.

  • For STAR Program the target group will be girls in government schools who are studying in standards 9th and 10th.
  • For Networking Mixers we will be inviting members of all the WIE Affinity Groups of the Delhi section.
  • Lectures by prominent women will be for all the students of the college.
  • The field trips and industrial visits will be exclusively for WIE Members.



The WIE Affinity Group of BVPIEEE successfully organized the WIE meet 2015 on 14th March. The meet witnessed an overwhelming response with a turnout of more than 70 registrations from various Student Branches, even from outside Delhi defying the misconception of the meet meant only for women.

Ms. Rashmi Anand, our guest of honor, along with our Student Branch Counselor, Mrs. Yogita started the meet by highlighting the social issues faced by women of our country. It was followed by a healthy and interactive session suggesting the solutions and viewpoints of students from various Student Branches.


Followed by a round of refreshments, a fun event named 'Finding Namo' took place wherein participants had to find people with associated things mentioned in the questions. To increase the interaction more between the student groups, another icebreaker event followed where students were divided in a team of five and worked their minds off for the brainstorming questions. All the events were taken with astonishingly high enthusiasm by the participants.This was followed by introduction to the BVPIEEE team, all the SIG's and chapters associated with it and WIE Affinity group accomplishments. There were presentations from other Student Branches as well.

The event concluded with an informal discussion round highlighting various issues faced by different student branches during the running of WIE affinity groups or IEEE in general. A few of the problems discussed are as follows:

  • Ways to increase technical activities in WIE
  • Ways to spread awareness regarding WIE, and that men can and should be a part of WIE and its meets.
  • Backup plans in case of technical glitches faced in Student Branch Competitions.