IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Annual Student Seminar
and Projects’ Exhibition

"e-indus 2007"
16th April 2007  @ Auditorium Of IIEE



As the number of attendees is limited, so one, willing to attend “e-Indus 2007”, will have to register himself/herself first.

You may register for the conference by obtaining the hard copy of Registration form from IIEE-IEEE Student Branch and then submitting back the filled form with payment.

Please Note: All Attendees including authors/presenters must register and pay the appropriate fees. The registration fee must accompany all project paper submissions for the paper to be published in the conference proceedings and listed in the program.


For IIEE Students

The IIEE Students willing to attend the conference are requested to contact 
any of the office bearers of IIEE-IEEE Student Brach for registration.
Registration Charges for the “e-Indus2007”:
The Registration charges for “e-Indus” are:
IEEE Members  Rs  100/=
Non-IEEE Members  Rs. 150/=
IEEE Student Members of IIEE No charges*
Non-IEEE-Member Students of IIEE Rs 25/=*
Non-IIEE IEEE Student Members Rs 50/=*
Non-IIEE and Non-IEEE-Member Students Rs 75/=*
*Event registration for the participants  will be free of cost.
Submission of Registration Forms:

Completed form with payment may be mailed to:

Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering (IIEE)
C/o ST-22/C, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300, Pakistan

Or sent via fax to 092-92-4966274


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