As the number of attendees is limited, so one, willing to
attend �e-Indus 2009�, will have to register himself/herself first.
You may register for the conference by obtaining the hard
copy of Registration form from IIEE -IEEE Student Branch and then
submitting back the filled form.
Please Note: All Attendees including authors/presenters must
For IIEE Students
The IIEE Students willing to attend the conference are requested to contact any of the office bearers of IIEE-IEEE Student Brach for registration.
Registration Charges for the �e-Indus2009�:
As this year IEEE is celebrating its 125 years so to be a part of celebration, we have announced FREE registration.
Submission of Registration Forms:
Completed form may be mailed to:
Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering (IIEE)
C/o ST-22/C, Block-6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300, Pakistan
Or sent via fax to 092-92-4966274