IEEE membership help one to know the fast growing technical world. Like the logo says IEEE stands for advancing technology for humanity.The mission is "IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity." And the vision is "IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions."
BENEFITS OF IEEE MEMBERSHIP (As an undergraduate student)
If you are reading this , we just can get one thing out of the equation , yeah you carve for technology . IEEE provide the perfect platform to stay updated , let it be research papers ,technical articles or whatever you can think we have you covered . Being an IEEE member you get free subscription to online magazines such as IEEE spectrum , IEEE potential etc and will have access to IEEE xplore abstracts. This are just few make sure you explore
Do you wish for a successful career ? Professional Networking skills are prerequisite in having a successful career. Being an IEEE member you are provided with unparalleled network with global community of professionals .
Collabratec is an integrated online community where professionals can interact, collaborate and create all in one central hub. Being an IEEE member you are provided with access to a set of productivity tools which can help you in improving your professional skills
2.IEEE memberNet
Memnbernet is kind of a like an online search tool which help you connect with technical and engineering experts world wide .This tool would comme most handy if you are in search of a peers who share common technical interest , Membership or affinity
This is an offer to ieee members to get a professional mail account from google.It is Advertisement-free Gmail, has a unique IEEE e-mail address and 30 gigabytes of shared storage (Gmail and Google Drive)
Online Communities provide a virtual gathering space for people with shared purpose or common interests. This online space provide a platform for discussing vital issues in technical areas ,as well as the opportunity to network with other , seek out peers and receive expert advice from pioneers of the industry
IEEE help you in continuing the process of education . We believe that learning is a never ending process so IEEE provide with various custom education solutions which can meet your needs . Elearning , Mlearning And paid courses are few ways through which this services are served to you
“Tune Into Where Technology Lives”- This words are truely justified in the case of , This service provides you with a huge database of educational and technological videos which can’t be fo found in any other video sharing platforms. This service is provided in collaboration with IEEE members and select industrial sponsors of IEEE
Benefits from IEEE-CECTL