IEEE Membership has now started for 2010 years. Student can join IEEE now for membership
till 31st December, 2010 for only 12 Months fee of 27$.
Click here to Join IEEE as a
Student or Graduate Student Member
. An IEEE web account is required to join online. First creat the account by Join Online button on the page
A Credit Card is required to join online, if you dont have one contact
IEEE UET Membership committee.
IEEE Socities

IEEE UET Membership

Knowledge warehousing
As a member you would gain complete access to IEEE websites pertaining to any field of electrical engineering around the globe.
Members can download and use valid software for free and take full advantage of it by getting aid from them to carry out their academic researches and other stuff like that.
Every now and then, members would get the latest editions of IEEE sponsored international magazines which could serve to quench the thirst of the intellectuals who have a great side for technological advancements.
The members would also enjoy huge fee concessions (up to 100% in rare cases) in the workshops arranged locally by the administration.
Also they would be allowed to practice and sharpen their professional skills by organizing events, making reports, working out the budget and interacting with non-technical entities etc..
Internet-based broadcasting network delivering special-interest programming about technology and engineering.
Professional Grooming
Locate career opportunities easily and confidentially an online program to foster mentoring relationships between IEEE members.
A weekly email newsletter containing career advice plus the job of the week from the IEEE Job Site.
Up to a 10% discount on online degree programs .
Recognize the accomplishments of your peers .
Enhance your resume with an IEEE scholarship .
A service available for matching technical consultants with clients.
Monthly webzine devoted to the issues affecting IEEE member's careers.