
IEEE Members

The IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The vision for the IEEE is that it will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.

IEEE Student Member Benefits

  • Access to a select range of free software and reduced pricing in items from companies such as Microsoft, Dell, and National Instruments. Please visit IEEE-Sponsored Technology Discounts for a detailed list.
  • Maximise your Professional Networking Opportunities
  • Access individual Society memberships and subscriptions (Such as IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Intelligent Transport Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and many more). Please visit IEEE Society Memberships for a detailed list.
  • Connect with local IEEE Sections and volunteer leadership;
  • Find upcoming conferences on topic areas that might interest you;
  • Read the latest news from IEEE, IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Standards News, and The Institute.