About Us

IEEE Kyambogo University Student Branch is one of the most active and engaging student associations in Kyambogo University. The branch organizes IEEE events including monthly technical seminars featuring distinguished experts from industry, IEEE distinguished lectures, webinars, conferences and social activities. We have created a collaborative platform for researchers, students, government and industry. Our hope is that our community members will obtain powerful knowledge and skills through getting involved in our exciting events and activities.

Message From the Branch Counselor

Welcome to the IEEE Kyambogo University Student Branch. Our strategy is focused on delivering better member value through organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, IEEE distinguished lectures, industrial tours and participating in IEEE contests and competitions. In pursuit of sustainable and mutually rewarding collaboration with industry and government, we have planned to be having an annual Student Professional Awareness Conference and Exposition (SPACE) and this will be sponsored by IEEE, Kyambogo University and industries from within and outside Uganda and some government departments. The IEEE members and student members at Kyambogo University have an opportunity to join the Kyambogo University Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) group which is a group of IEEE volunteers in and around Kyambogo that partner with undeserved communities and local organizations to leverage technology for sustainable development. The IEEE student members are now participating in Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS). Through this IEEE initiative, the students work in groups on socially innovative projects that address local community service needs. The student members carry out these projects in collaboration with non-profit organizations and several high schools in Uganda. I call upon you to join and support us in the activities related to IEEE at our IEEE Kyambogo University Student Branch.

Niwareba Rolland
Branch Couselor