The team of student branch officers
is consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The specific duties
of each officer are described bellow in short however the responsibilities are
not limited to points outlined below.
For detailed information
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Student Branch
Chair: The key to effective student
Overall management of all
branch affairs.
Promote the benefits of IEEE
Preside at all meetings of
the Branch.
Hold regular meetings of the
Branch Executive Committee and serve as Chair.
Appoint Program, Publicity
and Membership committee Chairs promptly.
Prepare the necessary
reports for IEEE Student Services.
Arrange for the election of
new Officers annually.
Ensure smooth transition of
information and materials to newly elected Officers and arrange an
orderly transfer of Branch records.
Work with and coordinate
some activities with Section and Region Officers.
Communicate frequently with
other Branch Officers, particularly during the summer months when you
are not at school.
Student Branch
Vice-Chair: The
junior executive officer of the branch.
Chair the Program and
Membership Committees.
Organize field trips or
special events beyond regular program efforts.
Arrange for refreshments at
Branch meetings.
Assist the Chair in
committee responsibilities.
Perform all functions of
Chair in the latter's absence or upon request.
Student Branch Secretary:
Responsible for exacting the student branch activities and task with vision of
success of undertaken task.
the Newly Elected Student Officer Reporting Form to IEEE Student
detailed records of each Branch meeting.
the Branch membership roster and committee assignments list.
responsible for all Branch correspondence.
Post a
calendar of events.
the Chair to ensure that Branch activities are conducted under the
provisions of the current Branch Constitution and Bylaws.
for an orderly transfer of all Branch records to the incoming Secretary.
Event Manager: Responsible for arranging internal and external events.
Decide on types of events.
Organise events, venue, catering, and transportation where necessary.
PR Manager: Responsible for maintaining public relations..
- Maintain the appropriate Branch accounts.
- Prepare an annual budget for inclusion in the Annual Plan of Activities report.
- Prepare the final Financial Statement for inclusion in the Annual Report of Activities.
- Oversee all fundraising efforts.
- Arrange for an orderly transfer of all Branch financial records.
Student Branch Treasurer: Responsible for maintaining the financial accounts of the branch.
- Design flyers for events.
- Design posters and banners.
- Circulate emails to members and other interested people.
- Communication with other organisations (e.g. other SBs).
Web Master: Responsible for maintaining the IEEE student branch website.
- Keeping the SB website up to date.
- Investigate suitable options for web hosting.
- Implement new features where required.
Student Branch Counselor:
University faculty member, active in the IEEE, who serves as an advisor
to the Branch and its student Officers.
that information from IEEE Headquarters is transmitted to the student
Executive Committee meetings and assist Branch Committees.
Participate in Regional Activities Committee meetings.
with the Section SAC Chair, Regional SAC Chair or Region
Director about Branch activities or problems.
online student application and renewal.
good relations with the local Section and encourage students to
establish regular liaison with the Section SAC Chair.
student awareness of awards, contests and benefits of membership.
industrial contacts for Branch programs and activities.
other faculty members in the activities of the Branch.
Student Branch Mentor: Augment the valuable
contributions of the Counselor.
Meet with
Student Branch members regularly.
Participate in all Section Executive Committee meetings.
the Student Branch in developing effective programs.
Provide a
dependable bridge between the Student Branch and local Section.
closely with the Student Branch Counselor and the Section SAC Chair.
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Student Branch 2007, All rights reserved.
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