2006 IEEE Radar Conference

April 24 - 27, 2006
Turning Stone Resort and Casino
Verona, NY   USA
Sponsored by IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society and IEEE Mohawk Valley and Syracuse Sections
Call for Papers -PDF version

Important Dates
17 April 06
Deadline for Online Registration

Keynote Speaker
Golf Information
Banquet Speaker
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Activities for Spouses

About the Area
Travel Information
Syracuse Hancock International Airport
Ground Transportation
Driving Map
The Host Hotel
The Turning Stone Resort and Casino
Local Information

Central New York Area

Logo background image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Tutorial 3.8
Thursday PM, 27 April 2006

An Introduction to High Resolution Radar Imaging
Instructor: Chris Baker, University College London, UK

Synopsis: This tutorial will introduce the topic of radar imaging commencing with methods for achieving resolution in range and the generation of High Range Resolution Profiles (HRRP). It will then go on to consider the generation of resolution in the cross-range dimension. This will lead into the concepts of high resolution SAR, ISAR and tomographic imaging. Methods of focussing and motion compensation and image linearization will be included. However, correct generation of the imagery is only half the problem, the other half is concerned with how valuable information can be extracted from the resulting imagery. The tutorial goes on to introduce image processing tools that enable simple measurements such as target length and breadth to be made as well as more sophisticated concepts that reduce image bandwidth, remove unwanted speckle and make the imagery easier to analyse. Finally the problem of target classification will be examined and emerging methods for improving performance will be reviewed. The tutorial will use real examples of imagery to illustrate the concepts and issues involved.

Prof. Chris Baker is Professor of radar research within the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of University College London. He has been actively engaged in radar system research since 1984 and is the author of over one hundred publications. His research interests include: coherent radar techniques, radar signal processing, radar signal interpretation, electronically scanned radar systems and radar imaging. Professor Baker was responsible for the UK research that has led to the ASTOR system now under development. He is the recipient of the IEE Mountbatten premium (twice), the IEE Institute premium and is a fellow of the IEE. He is also currently chairman of the IEE Radar, Sonar and Navigation systems professional network.