2006 IEEE Radar Conference

April 24 - 27, 2006
Turning Stone Resort and Casino
Verona, NY   USA
Sponsored by IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society and IEEE Mohawk Valley and Syracuse Sections
Call for Papers -PDF version

Important Dates
17 April 06
Deadline for Online Registration

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About the Area
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Syracuse Hancock International Airport
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The Turning Stone Resort and Casino
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Central New York Area

Logo background image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Tutorial 3.2
Thursday AM, 27 April 2006

Principles of Bistatic & Multistatic Radar
Instructor: Hugh Griffiths, University College London, UK

Synopsis: Bistatic radars have been around since the earliest days of radar. Present interest is high, and many practical systems are now being built and evaluated worldwide. The tutorial will cover the fundamentals of bistatic and multistatic radar systems, including the effects of the bistatic geometry, the bistatic radar equation, and pulse chasing. This will be followed by descriptions of various bistatic radar systems and examples of results. Particular emphasis will be placed on passive 'hitchhiking' systems using broadcast and communications signals as illuminating sources, showing how the performance depends on the nature of the signals. The properties of bistatic SAR will also be briefly considered.

Prof. Hugh Griffiths was born in Bournemouth, UK, in 1956. He was educated at Hardye's School, Dorchester, and Keble College, Oxford where he received the MA degree in Physics in 1975. He also received the PhD (1986) and DSc(Eng) (2000) degrees from the University of London.Since 1985 he has been with University College London, where he is currently Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. His research interests include radar and sonar systems and signal processing (particularly synthetic aperture radar and bistatic and multistatic radar) as well as antennas and antenna measurement techniques, and he has published over 300 papers and technical articles on these subjects. He received the IERE Lord Brabazon Premium in 1984, the IEE Mountbatten and Maxwell Premiums in 1996, and the IEEE Fred Nathanson Award in 1996. He serves on the IEEE AESS Board of Governors and on the IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel, and as Hon. Editor of IEE Proceedings on Radar, Sonar and Navigation, and he served as Chairman of the IEE International Radar Conference RADAR 2002 in Edinburgh, UK. He also serves on the Defence Scientific Advisory Council for the UK Ministry of Defence, and on the Supervisory Board for the UK Ministry of Defence's Defence Technology Centre in ElectroMagnetic Remote Sensing. Prof. Griffiths is a Fellow of the IEE, Fellow of the IEEE, and in 1997 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering.