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Abstract Submittal/Author Kit 

NOTE! The abstract submittal deadline (Dec 21, 2001) has passed. If you missed it, please consider submitting your work for IVEC 2003. If your abstract has already been accepted for presentation at the IVEC 2002 conference, read on!

A book containing abstracts of all the papers will be distributed to conference attendees. Please note that this book is the only record of the Conference and that we are requiring participants to review and resubmit their respective abstracts. The deadline for submission is Friday, March 8, 2002. Publication schedules require that we strictly adhere to this deadline for submission of your abstract. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure all government and company clearances for your abstract publication and presentation.

The abstract may be no more than 2 pages (8.5-in. x 11-in.) including figures. Additional pages will be truncated in the publication of the book. The inclusion of figures, tables and especially numerical data is strongly recommended. Sample abstracts, an author kit, and a copyright form are presented below.

Here is a single column example abstract:
     Word Format (747K),      PDF Format (91K)

Here is a two column example abstract:
     Word Format (52K),      PDF Format (77K)

Here is the IVEC 2002 author kit: Word Format (34K)

Here is an IEEE copyright form: Word Format (124K)

In order to ensure that your abstract appears as you intend it to, it is strongly advised that you submit your abstract electronically as a .pdf file. Abstracts should be sent to:

   Mr. Ralph Nadell
   Palisades Convention Management
   411 Lafayette Street, Suite 201
   New York, NY 10003
   Phone: 212-460-8090 x 203
   Fax: 212-460-5460
   E-mail: RNadell@pcm411.com

Please note your presentation number when submitting your abstract.

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