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IVEC Summary, Session 10, Guns I 
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Session chairperson and summary author: Baruch Levush

Session 10 included three presentations on the state-of-the-art R&D of high power electron guns. The first two presentations focused on beam forming systems for multiple-beam amplifiers, and the last presentation discussed X-band RF gun. Dr. Khanh Nguyen (KN Research) et al. delivered the first talk on the design of an 8-beam electron gun for a S-band multiple beam klystron. The presentation also demonstrated the utility of the new 3D gun code MICHELLE to produce a convincing design of a well behaved beams for multiple-beam amplifiers. The second talk was presented by Dr. L. Ives et al. from Calabazas Creek Research on the design of multiple beam guns for X-band and S-band klystrons. Both Drs. Nguyen and Ives described the issues associated with the electron beams rotation due to the shear in the magnetic field. Dr. Guharay et. al. gave a compelling talk, which described the R&D in X-band RF gun development for accelerators. This talk also detailed the initial and very promising performance of this gun.

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