The President’s Opening Remarks
President Maradei called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. A round of introductions was made. Board members present included B. Archambeault, H. Benitez, C. Bunting, L. Cohen, R. Davis, A. Duffy, R. Ford, D. Heirman, D. Hoolihan, T. Hubing, R. Koga, J. LaSalle, F. Maradei, A. Marvin, J. Norgard, M. Oliver, J. O’Neil, G. Pettit, K. Phipps, R. Scully, D. Sweeney, K. Williams, P. Wilson, and T. Yoshino. Absent Board members included E. Joffe and V. Roje. Guests attending included H. Garbe, F. Heather, H. R. Hofmann, M. Montrose, S. Pignari, and Q. Ye. She reviewed Board meeting protocol, the IEEE code of ethics, and upcoming activities. She reminded Board members of the material on the Board FTP site and asked that everyone remember to review this prior to the Board meetings ( Ms. Maradei welcomed the new Board members present and thanked them for their interest in the Board activities.
Consent Agenda
The agenda was presented for review. The consent agenda included approval of several motions. Secretary Janet O’Neil requested that the March meeting minutes be removed so that Board members can review the amendments made to the minutes for voting on at the Thursday Board meeting. The Board approved the balance of the motions remaining on the consent agenda, including approval of the August 14, 2011 meeting agenda, the $40,000 interest free loan to the committee for the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on EMC, and the $1,000 interest free loan to the committee for the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.
(From left) Takeo Yoshino of the University of Electro-Communications, Perry Wilson of NIST, Dick Ford, and Bob Davis of Lockheed enjoyed the lunch break during the Sunday, August 14 meeting of the EMC Society Board of Directors. |
(From left) IEEE Transactions on EMC Editor, Heyno Garbe of the University of Hannover, joined Chuck Bunting of Oklahoma State University, and Larry Cohen
of the Naval Research Lab for the Board luncheon at the Hyatt Hotel in Long Beach. |
Enjoying lunch on a sunny day are (from left) Board members Andy Marvin from the University of York, Alistair Duffy from De Montfort University and Dan Hoolihan of Hoolihan EMC Consulting. |
President’s Report
Francesca Maradei reviewed the activity of the Excom meeting held the previous evening. The meeting addressed administrative points including the agenda review, motions to be presented, etc. All items discussed were included on the meeting agenda. Regarding Global Outreach, Ms. Maradei reported on the two regional events held in Buenos Aires (April 1, 2011) and Brasilia (April 4, 2011). Over 90 people attended the Buenos Aires event she attended and gave a presentation. Over 70 people attended the event in Brasilia. Ms. Maradei attended the IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI’2011) which was technically co-sponsored by the EMC-S for the first time. She plans to attend EMC Europe over September 26–30, 2011. She noted the Asia Pacific EMC Committee would like to see more involvement from the Board. This will be held from May 21–24, 2012 in Singapore.
Ms. Maradei asked Ghery Pettit to speak about the June IEEE TAB meeting series in Bellevue, WA which he attended as her representative. Mr. Pettit mentioned that there is a plan within TAB to offer Society memberships at a consistent discounted fee. Mr. Pettit noted that a committee should be formed to address what should be included in the Society membership at an initial and enhanced level. Todd Hubing, Dick Ford, Kimball Williams, and Bob Davis volunteered to be members of this committee.
Ms. Maradei reported that the EMC Society has successfully completed the periodic five-year Society review on behalf of the TAB Society Review Committee (SRC). Several best practices of the EMC Society were commended, including having a strategic plan for the Society, having a detailed procedure for technical co-sponsorship of conferences, conducting the Global EMC University Program, having an effective chapter database (this was recommended to IEEE MGA) and retreat for chapter chairs, to name a few.
Regarding the status of electronic motions made since the last Board meeting in March, the Board approved a 10% surplus ($10K Cap) distribution to the IEEE International Symposium Steering Committee. This is applicable when the symposium committee does not have a specific hosting chapter/section.
Treasurer’s Report
John LaSalle presented a report on EMC Society finances. IEEE Operations are strong and this will impact spending from Society reserves. As of the end of June, operations are considered to be “normal” with an actual year-to-date surplus of $300.5K; this is considerably higher than the planned budget of $21,000. The Society is tracking toward the budgeted $21.0K positive net income. IEEE is currently forecasting a net positive $23.5K, indicating an overall positive position. The result is a $2.5K favorable position. Angel Funds approved included UKRI (United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland) – Paul Vertannes, Shanghai - Hongmei Fan, and Germany – Frank Sabath. The EMC 2010 Symposium (Ft Lauderdale) is currently undergoing audit. The surplus is expected to be some 19.5% or $200K. The report concluded with a comparison of two conference management bids.
The Board approved a new domestic travel expense subsidy in addition to the financial policy detailed in Mr. LaSalle’s report.
Joe Fischer, Herb Mertel and Board member Dick Ford (from left) visited the EMC Society History booth during the exhibition held at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. |
Board member Bob Davis (seated left) met with the volunteers at the Long Beach Symposium. Bob was also a member of the Symposium Steering Committee and in charge of the volunteers. |
Francesca Maradei from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” is a certified scuba driver, as is Ray Adams of Boeing, Chair of the EMC 2011 Symposium. Francesca and Ray offered a novel welcome at the Tuesday evening reception held at the Long Beach Aquarium. |
The Wednesday Gala was an amazing event held on the Queen Mary, now a floating hotel and museum docked in Long Beach. Board members enjoying the evening included (from left) Don Heirman of Don HEIRMAN Consultants, Todd Hubing of Clemson University, Janet O’Neil of ETS-Lindgren, John LaSalle of Northrop Grumman, and Dan Hoolihan. |
Communication Services
Perry Wilson, Vice-President for Communication Services, presented his report. Mr. Wilson discussed the IEEE Transactions on EMC and expanding the number of issues per year to keep up with the paper submittals and to expedite time to publication. The Board approved the transition of the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility from 4 issues per year to 6 issues per year (proposed Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.). Regarding implementation, the Board approved initiating the extra issues as soon as possible and not waiting until 2012.
Janet O’Neil presented four slides on the newsletter transition to a magazine. The Board suggested greater promotion of the transition to the general membership via the web and an email blast.
Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil reported on Newsletter finances for the Winter 2011 and Spring 2011. The Winter issue at 84 pages cost $19,174 for the printing and mailing of 5,396 copies. There were eight ads in the issue that generated $12,040 in billed ad revenue, of which the EMC Society received a net of $6,742. The Spring issue at 100 pages cost $19,842 for the printing and mailing of 4,674 copies. There were 21 ads in the issue that generated $26,549 in billed ad revenue, of which the EMC Society received a net of $14,867. This was the first issue with Professor Kye Yak See of the Nanyang Technical University in Singapore as the Technical Editor. Associate editor Antonio Orlandi reports that he is out of books to review. If you can help by providing suggestions of books to review, please let Ms. O’Neil or Antonio know. He can be reached at On the Newsletter to Magazine transition, we are in the process of designing new graphics for the first issue of the magazine to launch in 2012. We are working with IEEE Media to develop the media kit for 2012 – our new magazine will be included in the ad sales pitched by IEEE Media representatives.
Professor Heyno Garbe, the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on EMC, reports that he is seeing a 10% increase in the number of papers submitted and has requested a 2012 page budget of 1,320 pages to handle the submission increase. An actual page budget of 1200 pages for 2012 was approved as part of the motion to increase the number of issues to six. A further increase will be considered as part of the 2013 page budgeting process. There are currently 20 Associate Editors with a resource of some 200-300 reviewers, of which 100 are active in any given year. On special issues, in 2012 the topic is “The Impact of High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) on Civil Infrastructures” with guest editor Bill Radasky. In 2013 the topic is “Model Validation and EMC” with guest editors Bruce Archambeault, Alistair Duffy, and others.
Dan Hoolihan, Chair of the EMC Society’s History Committee, reported that the web page has been updated to include an improvement to the Hall of Fame page. Articles continue to be submitted to the Newsletter while the inventory of donated equipment (historical artifacts) continues to grow. How to effectively archive the records of key EMC-S members continues to be a topic for discussion.
Todd Hubing reported several routine updates continue to be made to the website regarding committee, chapter, conference, and awards web pages.
Ray Perez reported that there were no EMC sponsored books in progress for 2011 and none were published in 2011. Two well-advertised attempts to recruit authors did not produce results. A new call for authors will be posted at the current symposium; one target is Aerospace EMC, a handbook is under consideration. Total royalties for EMC-S sponsored books in 2010 amounted to $1,365.34.
Member Services Report
Bob Davis, Vice-President for Member Services, presented his report. He began his report with a discussion on four motions. The Board approved the amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws presented, the appointment of Gustavo Fano as the new Region 9 Coordinator, the establishment of new membership coordinators in China with An Hao and Erping Li, and the use of existing funding to develop a Chapter website template.
The awards committee includes Bruce Archambeault and Mike Oliver as Co-Chairmen, Colin Brench, Christian Schuster, Tzong-Lin Wu, and Jun Fan. Mike Oliver reported that Rosanne Loyal (Senior Manager, Society Member and Committee Services) stated that the proposal for the establishment of an “IEEE EMC-S Award for Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education” was approved by TAB at its June meeting. Bruce Archambeault and Mike Oliver will coordinate with Todd Hubing to incorporate the new award on the web site and with Janet O’Neil as an announcement in the Newsletter. Bruce Archambeault and Mike Oliver will create a policy regarding potential conflict of interest for the awards committee and endorsement of candidates.
Don Heirman reported the Completed Careers column of the upcoming newsletter will include remembrances on Carl Baum and Risaburo Sato as well as obituaries for Dr. Sato, Ruediger Vahldieck, and Bob Howland.
Todd Hubing reviewed the changes suggested by IEEE to the EMC-S constitution and bylaws as a result of the Society’s five year review and the recommended response. This will be published in the Newsletter as required for membership review before a change can be made.
Bob Davis advised that total IEEE membership is up 1.4%, since this time last year. Total Society Membership is up 0.1% since this time last year. EMC Society Membership is down 0.5% (21) to 3862 (with Affiliates), since this time last year. EMC Society Student Membership is down 1.8% (1) to 56 since this time last year. Fifteen members have been elevated to Senior grade since March 2011. He is working on membership tracking in order to develop an approach to increase retention. Three new displays were purchased in December 2010: two are 6’x6’ Pop-Up Table Top displays and one is a smaller, ShowStyle Display. The ShowStyle Display had its debut at the Regional Conferences in Argentina and Brazil in April and again in Detroit in May. This display is available to all chapters and is stored with Janet O’Neil. The Pop-Up display graphic design was completed in July, in time for the debut of the new display and graphic design at the 2011 Symposium in Long Beach. The second display will be shipped to Region 10 for use at conferences.
Bruce Archambeault reported on the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) program. The DLs for 2010–2011 include Dr. Giulio Antonini, Mark Steffka, and Dr. Omar Ramahi. The DLs for 2011–2012 include Jerry Ramie, Jerry Meyerhoff, Professor Wen-Yan Yin, and Chuck Bunting. The report includes financial data on the program as well as the number of presentations/trips per DL. A list of the current topics presented as part of the video DL library is included in his report.
Mr. Archambeault discussed the new potential DLs for 2012–2013. The Board approved the appointment of Christian Schuster, Madhavan Swaminathan, Jong-Gwan Yook and Sam Connor as Distinguished Lecturers for the term 2012–2013.
Bruce Archambeault noted three RSB talks have been presented to date in 2011. The current speaker list includes Colin Brench, Jim Drewniak, Cheung-Wei Lam, Werner Schaefer, David Pommerenke, Bruce Archambeault, Elya Joffe, Jun Fan, Chris Holloway, Tzong-Lin Wu, Eric Bogatin, Bob Scully, and Joungho Kim. The report includes presentation titles for lectures that may be given by the RSB.
Frank Sabath provided a detailed report for Region 8. Currently there are 1,202 active members in Region 8. Compared to March, this is an increase of 8% (89) active members. Due to his reminder e-mail, the number of those members that have not renewed their IEEE membership (in arrears) decreased by 48 member to 119. This is equal to the number he reported in November 2010. The number of inactive members decreased to 161. The distributions of active members are shown in his report. Within 20 sections, there are 13 EMC Chapters and seven joint/EMC Chapters. On October 24, 2011, the Benelux Section EMC chapter celebrated its ten-year anniversary.
Maria Alejandra Mora Riveros reported that EMC membership in Region 9 is constant since her last report. There is almost no variation in the number of active members in the sections with higher memberships, which are South Brazil (21 members), Argentina (20 members), Colombia (13 members), and Mexico (17 members). Mr. Davis noted that Maria has moved to France and can no longer effectively perform her responsibilities as Region 9 Membership Coordinator. Gustavo Fano has agreed to take over the position, effective immediately.
Takeo Yoshino reported on Region 10 activity. He attended the APEMC 2011 conference on Jeju Island, Korea.
The report includes a summary of activities of the new member campaign and new member applications at the IEEE EMC Society display at APEMC 2011. At the end of the conference, 38 application forms and other materials were transferred to Professor Joungho Kim, the new chairman of the Seoul Chapter, to use for increasing new EMC membership in Korea.
Sergio Pignari, Chapter Coordinator, reported that the contact information for the Chapter Chairs, as well indication of the Chapter Angels, has been updated with the new Chapter Chairs and Angels serving for 2011. The updated version has been finalized and posted in the EMC-S website. Contacts have been restored with the Chairs of the following Chapters: Rocky Mountain (Denver), Russia (North-West), Russia (Siberia), and Tucson Chapters. As a consequence, the number of non-responsive Chapters still not responding has decreased to the following four: Montreal, North-West Florida, Taipei, Ukraine (Kharkov). As part of the outreach activity, two dedicated meetings have been setup for September 2011 with the Shanghai Chapter and the Hong Kong Chapter. The petition submitted by Vesna Javor to form the IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Chapter has obtained the final approval. The official formation date is 6 May 2011. Vesna Javor is the Chapter Chair for the current year. New Chapters under construction include: Southwest Ohio (US), Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), West Michigan (US), as well as Iran, Greece, and Denmark.
Caroline Chan reports that there is a difficulty reaching out to members that are eligible to join the GOLD program but who joined IEEE after graduation. There seems to be no such database that indicates those people in membership. Bob Davis and GOLD USA are looking into how the system can be improved for a better database. Emails have been exchanged among Caroline Chan, Robert Davis, William Somerville (GOLD Representative), Soon Wan Gim, and Gigi Lau (who will be speaking during the GOLD Introduction on Tuesday night of the symposium week at the Welcome Reception GOLD session on how to promote GOLD EMC to the young engineers and the benefits from being part of the GOLD program). The target is to bring awareness to the eligible attendees in the IEEE EMC Society and bring volunteers to the group.
Henry Benitez reported as the Sections Coordinator. Mr. Benitez continues to support Chapter development in Mexico and provide Section liaison support. He is developing good relations with the Region 9 Director in order to solicit for EMC-S Chapter or Joint Chapter formations, particularly in that region. He will attend the August Sections Congress and participate in activities to integrate MGA and TAB. He and Bob Davis will represent the EMC-S with a display at the tabletop Section Congress Exhibition for Societies and Councils. Mr. Benitez is in contact with the new EMC-S Region 9 Coordinator, Gustavo Fano.
Sister Societies Chair Chuck Bunting reported that email contact was made with Dr. Subbarao (Head EMCD, SAMEER - Centre for Electromagnetics) in India. He pointed Mr. Bunting in the direction of Dr. D.C. Pande (Chairman of the ISEMCE). Dr. Pande requested the MOU be sent and that was done. Email contact was made with Erping Li (in Singapore). He pointed Mr. Bunting in the direction of Dr. Richard Gao (Singapore EMC Chapter Chair). That follow-up has not been completed. Mr. Bunting will follow-up on the contacts already made with the India and China groups. The goal is to develop our first sister society agreement with India. The next goal will be to create a strategy for identifying key groups in Japan that could further the development of a sister society agreement.
Don Heirman staffed the ANSI C63® booth when he wasn’t attending the Standards Committee and Board meetings or presenting in technical sessions. Bridget Budig of Hoolihan EMC Consulting also staffed the booth. |
Board member John Norgard of NASA (far right) attended a social event in Long Beach where he talked about antennas with fellow gurus Vince Rodriguez (center) of ETS-Lindgren and Dennis Lewis of Boeing. |
President-elect Ghery Pettit visited with Intel colleagues Kevin Slattery and Harry Skinner (from left) during the EMC 2011 Symposium. |
On Thursday evening of the symposium week, the Board held a second meeting to provide updates on activity during the symposium related to Standards, Conferences, Membership, Communications, and Technical Services (the five Vice President areas represented on the Board). |
Conference Services
Bruce Archambeault presented his report. The report started with a presentation by the Santa Clara Valley EMC Chapter to hold the 2015 IEEE Symposium on EMC in the spring. Next, Tom Braxton’s report, as the International Conference Committee Chair, was reviewed. This highlights the status of the upcoming IEEE EMC symposiums, including EMC 2011 (Long Beach), EMC 2012 (Pittsburgh), EMC 2013 (Denver), EMC 2014 (Raleigh), EMC 2015 (Dresden), and EMC 2016 (Ottawa). For EMC 2010 in Fort Lauderdale, Mr. Archambeault noted the audit has been completed and closed with the IEEE; the symposium surplus is 19.5%
A discussion was held on future conference management services (CMS) to help future years’ symposium committees. The Board approved the use of a CMS service to help future committees negotiate convention centers and hotels at the discretion of the VP of Conferences and the local committee chair.
On Global EMC Symposia Co-Sponsorship, Mr. Archambeault reported for chair Frank Sabath. The report summarizes the requests for EMC-S technical co-sponsorship requests and the status of review and approval by TAC.
The Board approved EMC-S Technical Co-Sponsorship for several conferences, including the 2012 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC; the 15th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnections, SPI 2011; the 2012 European Conference and Exhibition on Electromagnetics, EUROEM 2012; and the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM 2012).
Exhibitor Liaison Janet O’Neil reported that the plans are finalized for the exhibitor breakfast on Thursday, August 18. In addition to the usual reports from the outgoing (EMC 2011) and incoming (EMC 2012) symposium committees, the exhibit chair from EMC 2015 was invited to give a short “save the date” presentation. For EMC 2011, five tabletop display spaces have been sold to date. There are 177 booths sold which is higher than last year. Revenue collected to date is $488,100. The number of complimentary or bartered booths is 19. Several new exhibitors will be at EMC 2011.
Regional Conference Coordinator Janet O’Neil reported on regional events in Regions 1–7 and Region 9, including chapters who have hosted events and upcoming scheduled events. Details were provided on the Region 9 events held in March/April 2011 in Argentina and Brazil.
Technical Services
Bob Scully, Vice President for Technical Services, presented his report.
The Board approved Mr. Scully’s recommendation to purchase software for the EMC 2012 paper review process.
Education and Student Activities Committee (ESAC) Chair, Tom Jerse, reported that the EMC-S supports numerous educational outreaches and the BoD has voiced an interest for ESAC to coordinate these efforts to improve efficiency by reducing unnecessary overlap and to provide a clear, linked curriculum so that Symposium attendees can more easily understand the sequence of courses and how they fit the needs of the students. Work is still in the formative stage to develop a set of proposals to integrate the various educational outreaches, both proposed and existing, into a curriculum that gives our symposium attendees a clear picture of the various paths available to pursue EMC education. The ESAC report includes updates by the various subcommittees, including the Global University, the University Grant, Experiments and Demonstrations, Student Paper and Student Design Competitions, to name a few.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair Bruce Archambeault noted that the committee held an in-person meeting on 14 May 2011 at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Jun Fan was the host. During this meeting, all papers were put into sessions for EMC 2011. Sessions were scheduled. Paper review software was discussed and a set of software requirements developed. The iNARTE questions are considered in poor shape; TAC renewed its commitment to reviewing these questions for technical accuracy. Chuck Bunting was unanimously voted as the new TAC secretary, replacing Kermit Phipps.
The VP for Technical Services report also includes an adjunct report from Kimball Williams regarding the Society for the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), the Technology Management Council (TMC), and the TC1 Ethics and Leadership Representative.
Standards Services
Don Heirman, Vice-President for Standards, presented the schedule of Standards Committee meetings during the Symposium week. He will present a thorough report on Standards activity at the Thursday evening Board meeting.
President Elect Report
President-elect Ghery Pettit showed the planned meetings for 2012 as below:
- March 16–18, Scottsdale, AZ
- August 5 and 9, Pittsburgh, PA
- November 16–18, Raleigh, NC
New Business
Impact Factor – President Maradei discussed her presentation to IEEE TAB titled “Strategies for Increasing the IF of IEEE Journals: Best Practices and Ethics.” This was given as part of the President’s Forum at the November 2010 TAB meeting in New Brunswick. Her report explained the history of the “Impact Factor” (IF) and the current status of this rating for technical journals.
Suspension of Meeting
Ms. Maradei suspended the meeting at 5:15 pm. The meeting will continue on Thursday evening, August 18, at 6:00 pm.
Continuation of Board Meeting on August 18, 2011, 6:00 pm.
Call to Order
President Maradei called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
New Business continued from the previous meeting
EMC-S History – Don Sweeney talked about material he has received from Ed Bronaugh. The Board discussed how to archive this material. Dan Hoolihan suggested involving the chapters in this activity. Mike Oliver volunteered his chapter to help.
Approval of the March Meeting Minutes – Secretary O’Neil noted that some changes to the minutes were received just before the Board meeting. President Maradei advised that the amended minutes from the March Board meeting will be circulated to the Board for an electronic vote in the immediate future.
Standards Update
Don Heirman presented his report. The Standards Committees started their series of meetings during the Symposium week on Monday with the first part of the Standards Development Committee (SDCom) meeting, followed by the Standards Education and Training Committee meeting and ending with the Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom) meeting, chaired by John Norgard (NASA). The SACCom also met with the RAC and the EMC-S Board of Directors at the SACCom-RAC annual luncheon.
The SDCom meeting was chaired by Andy Drozd and was again well attended. Malia Zaman of the IEEE staff gave a presentation on changes to the IEEE ballot process, effective 2012. Reaffirmations will no longer occur, but various levels of revisions to standards will occur when a standard reaches the end of its life cycle. Interpretations will no longer be permitted. Finally, project authorization requests (PARs) shall be submitted for all changes to a standard even to re-ballot an expired standard without changes.
The report includes an update of the EMC-S standards that was reported at the two SDCom meetings. In addition, representatives of SDCom are closely following and actively engaged in the guideline document for Smart Grid interoperability (P2030) which is sponsored by SCC21. There were also four working groups that met during the Symposium week to report their progress on their standards work for P1688 Line Replaceable Modules, P299.1 Small Chamber Evaluation and P473 Site Survey. P473 is restarting work as the project has stalled. EMC-S Technical Committee 3 (TC3) on electromagnetic environments is responsible now for the publication of the next edition of this standard. For more information on SDCom, visit:
The SETCom meeting was chaired by Qiubo Ye. Tom Jerse, chair of the EMC-S Education and Student Activities Committee (ESAC) attended. The committee is working to create EMC standard education and training workshops in Europe with the assistance of Andy Marvin and Alistair Duffy; workshops in the Pacific area will be assisted by R. Koga. The committee is soliciting EMC Standards tutorial articles from experts to be published in the EMC Newsletter. For more information on SETCom, visit:
John Norgard, chair of SACCom, held a brief meeting as the major activity extended into the SACCom-RAC luncheon where those SACCom members present gave an update of their EMC standards activities. It was recorded that there are 17 organizations identified that represent non-EMC-S standards writers on EMC subjects.
Twenty people attended (eight were Board members) the SACCom-RAC luncheon meeting with the EMC-S Board of Directors. Short reports/PP slides were presented by the attending SACCom members on CISPR A, B, and I as well as on AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). The RAC members presented on ITIC TG5 (Information Technology Industry Committee) and ACIL (American Council of Independent Laboratories); this report was an in-depth review on ACIL’s proficiency testing activity.
For more information on SACCom, visit:
Technical Services Update
Bob Scully presented his report. The Board approved disbanding the Representative Advisory Committee (RAC).
Member Services Update
Bob Davis, VP for Member Services, gave a verbal report. Fifty new members signed up at the symposium. Completion of the membership surveys will be promoted tomorrow. The new EMC-S booth was well received; new marketing brochures were available for the first time and were well received. The EMC-S booth will be shipped to an EMC event in Australia for display. Paul Duxbury will also display the new booth at the EMC Europe 2011 event next month. The Australia and UK chapter chairs received a PDF of the new membership brochure and application to print out locally. The Chapter chair training/dinner was well attended. Focused training sessions with speakers from IEEE on SAMEE, etc. were presented. Caroline Chan reported on the GOLD program. Public relations is needed to educate the membership about the GOLD program, as there were many questions about what the program stood for.
Conferences Update
The Board approved holding the 2015 EMC Symposium in March 2015 in Santa Clara, CA. This will be a North American symposium that does not compete with the Dresden symposium.
Ray Adams presented an update on EMC 2011. Attendance was just over 2,000 people. The financial surplus is approximately 19%. The author of one of the best paper candidates was denied a visa so he could not attend the symposium. The Board approved allowing the best symposium paper candidate or winner whose author cannot attend the symposium due to circumstances beyond their control, as evaluated by the VP of Conferences, to be published on IEEE Xplore.
Janet O’Neil, Vice-chair of EMC 2011 and Exhibitor Liaison, reported briefly on the symposium and exhibitor feedback. Social media – Facebook and Twitter – were used for the first time. Alcohol served in the exhibit hall was well received by the exhibitors and attendees. Ms. O’Neil will provide a thorough report on the Exhibitors Breakfast at the next Board meeting. In general though, exhibitors were happy with the symposium and the booth traffic.
Communications Update
Perry Wilson advised they held the IEEE Transactions on EMC Associate Editors luncheon during the symposium week. A discussion was held on the importance of the impact factor. Heyno Garbe, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on EMC, showed a few slides that discussed the impact factor.
New Business
Bruce Archambeault suggested eliminating the Thursday evening symposium Board meeting and instead holding a telecom two weeks after the symposium. Ghery Pettit advised he would take this into consideration.
Financial Impact of Approved Motions
Todd Hubing summarized the financial impact of motions made during the August 14 and 18 meetings:
$62,800 |
Interest-free loans to 2013 and 2016 Symposium Committees
Per year for transition from 4 to 6 issues per year of the Transactions on EMC
Four Technical Co-sponsorships
Development of website template for chapters
2012 Technical Program software licensing |
Action Item Review
Secretary O’Neil reviewed the action items discussed during the meeting. An updated, consolidated list of action items will be sent to the Board following the meeting.
Ms. Maradei adjourned the meeting at 10:15 pm.
Submitted by:
Janet O’Neil
Secretary, EMC Society Board of Directors EMC