EMC-S Chapter Coordinator Sergio Pignari (right) is shown at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium in Long Beach following the Chapter Chair Training Session & Dinner. His colleague from the Politechnico di Milano, Flavia Grassi, joined him for a tour of the exhibition. |
Save the Date!
2012 IEEE EMC Chapter Chair
Training Session & Dinner
The IEEE EMC Society is pleased to wholeheartedly extend an invitation to all IEEE EMC Chapter Chairs to attend the Chapter Chair Training Session & Dinner taking place in conjunction with the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during August 5–10 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
Chapter Chair Training Session
The Training Session is intended to help Chapter Officers to be aware of the services provided to chapters by the IEEE and EMC Society.
Chapter Chair Dinner
This dinner is a chance for the Chapter Chairs or their representatives to gather and share what they have been doing for the past year.
Exact dates and times for the Chapter Chair Training Session & Dinner will be announced in the near future at www.emc2012.ISEMC.org
Contact Information:
EMC-S Chapter Coordinator, Sergio A. Pignari, sergio.pignari@polimi.it |