Longing for Long Beach!
Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil is shown with ANSI C63® colleagues Bob DeLisi of UL, Zhong Chen of ETS-Lindgren and Don Heirman of Don HEIRMAN Consultants (from left) in Long Beach at EMC 2011. |
This year’s Symposium in Long Beach, California was surely one of the best in recent memory.
Now that the weather is getting colder, I long for the sunny climate of southern California.
I trust the uniqueness of the Long Beach Symposium comes through in this issue. It is full of articles on Symposium activity related to the technical program, standards, awards, professional development (iNARTE), education, and exhibitors. We also have our regular articles included for you to enjoy.
It was a pleasure working with the EMC 2011 Symposium Chair Ray Adams of Boeing and his dedicated committee on the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Long Beach. Ray and his team are to be commended for an excellent and memorable Symposium.
I’ve included some photos in my letter showing EMC engineers who traveled great distances to attend the Symposium, celebrating Todd Hubing’s birthday aboard the Queen Mary during the Symposium Gala event, and, last but not least, acknowledging the photographers who contributed
the many wonderful photos included in this issue. It was nice to turn the camera on them for a change!
Please enjoy the issue and keep in touch. I appreciate your emails and phone calls! EMC
The Wednesday Symposium Gala attracted a sold out crowd, including from left, EMC 2011 Symposium Chair Ray Adams of Boeing and his wife Sylvia, Todd Hubing of Clemson University, Francesca Maradei of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, John LaSalle of Northrop Grumman, Janet O’Neil of ETS-Lindgren, and Jerry Trepanier of GE Healthcare. |
This issue is filled with great photos from the Long Beach Symposium, thanks
to the
efforts of stellar photographers Ken Wyatt, Tom Fagan and Richard Georgerian,
shown here from left with Francesca Maradei following the Awards Luncheon.
Dick Ford (not pictured) also provided several great photos. Thank you to these
photographers for bringing the Symposium to life in this issue! |
(From left) Jorge Benitez of Continental Automotive Guadalajara, Francisco Sepulveda of Sistemas e Ingenieria de EMC, and Facundo Dominguez from Argentina’s National Metrology Lab (INTI) in Buenos Aires traveled from IEEE Region 9 (Mexico and South America) to attend EMC 2011. |
The EMC Newsletter wishes to acknowledge the source of the cover art used for the Summer 2011, Issue 230 of the EMC Newsletter. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weiland of the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (thomas.weiland@temf.tu-darmstadt.de) created this computer simulation of a Hertzian dipole field many years ago with the Maxwell-Solver package MAFIA. The original animation is available on his website at temf.de/research/fieldanimations. We thank Dr. Weiland for bringing this to our attention and apologize for the inadvertent omission of his name in the Summer 2011 issue. |