EMC Standards Activity

Standards Meetings in Long Beach,
California Generate Much Activity

Our Standards Committee meetings filled the Monday morning start of the Long Beach symposium week on August 15. The meetings moved into the annual luncheon with the Representative Advisory Committee (RAC) as well.
     We started Monday morning bright and early with the first part of the Standards Development Committee (SDCom) meeting, followed by the Standards Education and Training Committee meeting and ending with the Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom) meeting, chaired by John Norgard (NASA). You will recall that John replaced Werner Schaefer, the previous chair. The SACCom then met with the RAC and the EMC-S Board of Directors at the SACCom-RAC annual luncheon. The luncheon gives those members of SACCom and RAC an opportunity to update the Board on their respective activities and concerns.


SDCom Activity
We start by highlighting the SDCom meeting which reports on each of our EMC-S standards. The full title is found on the EMC-S web site under https://grouper.ieee.org/groups/emc/emc/ieee_emcs_-_sdcom_mainpage.htm
     Note that since the SDCom also met on Wednesday morning, this report below covers both meetings. Also, there were four working groups that met to progress their standards work for these standards:
  – P1309 Probe Calibration
  – P1688 Line Replaceable Modules
  – P299.1 Small Chamber Evaluation
  – P473 Site Survey
     P473 is restarting work as the project has stalled. EMC-S Technical Committee 3 (TC3) on electromagnetic environments is responsible now for the publication of the next edition of this standard.
     The meeting was chaired by Andy Drozd (Andro Computational Solutions) and was again well attended including a presentation by the IEEE Standards Association identified staff supporting our EMC-S standards activity. Here is a summary of the meeting:

  • Eleven of the 16 members of SDCom attended the meetings with 12 guests on Monday morning. There were four guests at the Part 2 meeting on Wednesday morning.
  • Malia Zaman of the IEEE staff gave a presentation on changes to the IEEE ballot process, effective 2012. Reaffirmations will no longer occur, but various levels of revisions to standards will occur when a standard reaches the end of its life cycle. Interpretations will no longer be permitted. Finally, project authorization requests (PARs) shall be submitted for all changes to a standard even to re-ballot an expired standard without changes.

     Below is the update of our EMC-S standards that was reported at the two SDCom meetings:
  – ISM Measurements (Std. 139) - Current to end of 2011. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – TV Emission Measurements (HDTV) (Std. 187) - Current until 2013, but consensus was that it needs updating for digital TV. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – Shielding Effectiveness (large) (Std. 299) - Current to end of 2011. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – Shielding Effectiveness (P299.1) - Awaiting outcome of IEEE MEC (mandatory editorial comments). Balloting group being formed.
  – Land Mobile Emissions (Std. 377) - Current until 2013.
  – EM Site Survey (Std. 473) - Project turned over to TC3. TC3 will hold web meeting to finalize proposed PAR and to gather all existing text. Secretary will work with TC3 and continue to monitor closely.
  – Field Disturbance Sensors (Std. 475) - Current to end of 2011. Want to apply below 300 MHz. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – RF Absorber Evaluation (Std. 1128) - Current to end of 2011. Interest in work up to 18 GHz. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – Video Display Terminal (VDT) Emissions (Std. 1140) - Current to end of 2011. Dave Traver took action item to look at standard and recommend what material should be saved and repurposed.
  – Gasket Characterization (Std. 1302) - Current until 2013.
  – Probe Calibration (Std. 1309) - PAR extended to 2012. Passed IEEE MEC and ready for ballot. Balloting group being formed.
  – RF Filter Performance (P1560) - Current to end of 2011. Recirculation of reaffirmation ballot in progress.
  – Computational EM (1597.1) - Current until 2014. WG may submit PAR at Fall 2011 SDCom meeting.
  – Computational EM Practices (1597.2) - Current until 2015.
  – Intentional EMI to Computers (P1642) - Awaiting outcome of IEEE MEC. Balloting group being formed. PAR expires December 2011, so SDCom may need to seek extension of PAR.
  – Line Replaceable Module Testing for Product Compliance (P1688) - Conversion of document to IEEE template complete. WG has outlined an aggressive schedule. PAR extended to 2012. Expect to be in ballot in 2011.
  – Power Line Harmonics (P1836/1837) - Report received. Work is proceeding on draft.
  – Power-line Noise Complaints (PXXXX) - Ed Hare and Phil Keebler (EPRI) met to plan ways to move this forward.

     In addition, representatives of SDCom are closely following and actively engaged in the guideline document for Smart Grid interoperability (P2030) which is sponsored by SCC21.
     For more information on SDCom, visit: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/standards/sdcomindex.html


SETCom Activity
The SETCom meeting was chaired by Qiubo Ye. It met on Monday immediately following the conclusion of the SDCom Part 1 meeting. Below is a summary of the meeting:

  • Thirteen people attended (two members and 11 guests).
  • Tom Jerse, chair of the EMC-S Education and Student Activities Committee (ESAC) attended.
  • It was noted that the vice chair can no longer take that role – this is a vacancy needing to be filled. Note: Subsequent to the meeting, EMC-S Board member Alistair Duffy agreed to take over as vice chair.
    The chair then presented the SETCom recent activities:
  • Establish EMC standard education and training workshops in European area with the assistance of Andy Marvin and Alistair Duffy.
  • Workshops in the Pacific area will be assisted by R. Koga
  • Soliciting EMC Standards tutorial articles from experts to be published in EMC Newsletter.
    Future activities include:
  • Coordination with ESAC
     – EMC standards topics for Global University
     – Develop course on subject
  • Need ways to improve the SETCom workshop proposals so that they are accepted.
  • Continue to organize Standards Workshops at annual EMC Symposia.
  • Mobilize standards related activities in local EMC chapters.
  • Create posters for use at the SETCom booth of the several (international) EMC symposia; Qiubo is in need of volunteers for booth duty.
  • At the booth, provide a set of the actual IEEE EMC standards or electronic versions.
  • Improve SETCom web page to link to the list of standards on the SDCom site and articles on the IEEE SA web site.
  • Create PPT presentations identifying standards development for general use.
  • Formalize SETCom operating procedures.

     For more information on SETCom, visit: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/standards/setcomindex.html

SACCom Activity
After the close of the SETCom meeting, John Norgard, chair of SACCom, held a brief meeting as the major activity extended into the SACCom-RAC luncheon where those SACCom members present gave an update of their EMC standards activities. At the formal meeting before the luncheon, following are the details:

  • Ten people attended (four members).
  • It was recorded that there are 17 organizations identified that represent non-EMC-S standards writers on EMC subjects.
  • The rest of the short meeting was used to prepare for SACCom-RAC luncheon presentations that immediately followed the close of the SACCom meeting.
    Below is a short summary of the luncheon meeting with the EMC-S Board of Directors:
  • Twenty people attended (eight were Board members).
  • Short reports/PP slides were presented by the attending RAC and SACCom members.
  • For SACCom, these presentations/reports were given:
    – CISPR A (measurement methods, instrumentation and statistical techniques)
    – CISPR B (industrial, scientific, and medical EMC)
    – CISPR I (information technology and multimedia EMC)
    – AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    – SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
  • For the RAC, these presentations were made:
    – ITIC TG5 (Information Technology Industry Committee)
    – ACIL (American Council of Independent Laboratories); this report was an in-depth review on ACIL’s proficiency testing activit

     For more information on SACCom, visit: https://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/standards/saccomindex.html
     Below is the latest list of SACCom representatives:


SACCom Representatives


Sargent, Noel

Lukash, James

Petersen, Ron

Peterson, Ron

Smith, Doug

Heirman, Don

Heirman, Don

Pettit, Ghery

Pettit, Ghery

Moy, Kin

Williams, Kimball

Williams, Kimball

Hurst, Bill

Brumbaugh, David

Hoolihan, Dan

Jones, Brian

Schaefer, Werner

Represented Committee
AIAA S-121-2009
Electrostatic Discharge Society
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Society of Automotive Engineers
Federal Communications Commission


These standards meetings will again be held at the 2012 EMC-S symposium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Before then, there will be interim meetings. See the Calendar Section of this Newsletter for the listing of upcoming meeting dates and locations. All standards committee meetings are open to anyone with an interest in EMC standards. For more information, please contact Don Heirman at d.heirman@ieee.org.          EMC


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