The President’s Opening Remarks
President Maradei called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. A round of introductions was made. Board members present included B. Archambeault, H. Benitez, C. Brench, C. Bunting, L. Cohen, R. Davis, A. Duffy, R. Ford, F. Heather, D. Heirman, D. Hoolihan, T. Hubing, E. Joffe, R. Jost, J. LaSalle, F. Maradei, A. Marvin, J. Norgard, M. Oliver, J. O’Neil, G. Pettit, V. Roje, D. Sweeney, K. Williams, P. Wilson, and T. Yoshino. Absent was Board member R. Scully. Guests present included M. Montrose (via telecom for BoD officer elections) and M. Handley (present for convention center tour).
The newly elected officers of the IEEE EMC Society for 2011–2012 include (front row from left) Janet O’Neil of ETS-Lindgren, Ghery Pettit of Intel, Francesca Maradei of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, (back row from left) John LaSalle of Northrop Grumman, Don Heirman of Don HEIRMAN Consultants, Bob Davis of Lockheed Martin, Bruce Archambeault of IBM, and Perry Wilson of the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). |
Ms. Maradei reviewed Board meeting protocol, the IEEE code of ethics, and upcoming activities. She welcomed the new Board members present and thanked them for their interest in the Board activities. She congratulated Elya Joffe upon his election as President-elect of the Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES). She reported on the passing of Roger Sudbury, IEEE Division IV Director. Ms. Maradei reviewed the activity of the Excom meeting held the previous evening. The meeting addressed administrative points including the agenda review, motions to be presented, etc. All items discussed are included on the meeting agenda.
Regarding Global Outreach activity, Ms. Maradei noted she attended the EMC Europe 2010 conference in Wroclaw in September as well as presented at the Polish EMC Chapter meeting while in Poland. This was the last EMC symposium and marked the 20th time the symposium has been held in Wroclaw. This conference is now absorbed by the EMC Europe conference. She will attend a regional event in Buenos Aires in April 2011 and the APEMC 2011 conference in Korea in May. She presented at the Pittsburgh Chapter meeting in November and potentially will present at the new Nigeria Chapter this fall.
Ms. Maradei then presented an update on the IEEE Technical Management Committee (TMC). A workshop will be organized by the EMC Society at the next TMC conference. Kimball Williams and Elya Joffe will manage this workshop. They are looking for a volunteer to assist them.
Ms. Maradei reviewed the approved e-motion made since the last Board meeting granting EMC Society technical cooperation for the SPI 2011 conference.
Consent Agenda
The agenda was presented for review. The consent agenda included approval of: The November 2010 meeting agenda, the July 2010 Board meeting minutes and the independent contractors for the EMC Society: Warren Kesselman, Shannon Archambeault, Janet O’Neil and Kye Yak See. There has been no increase in contractor fees from 2010 to 2011. The Board approved the consent agenda. The approved July 2010 Board minutes will be posted to the EMC Society website.
The EMC Society Board of Directors met for two days in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Members are shown preparing for the meeting to start with a full agenda of topics to discuss. |
Todd Hubing of Clemson University, Vice President for Communications, presented a report on the current scope of the IEEE Transactions on EMC and suggested revisions. |
The Board of Directors devoted time to addressing milestones for its Long Range Plan while in Pittsburgh. (From left) Bob Davis, Larry Cohen of the Naval Research Lab, Takeo Yoshino, Emeritus Professor of the University of Electro-Communications, and Elya Joffe of KTM Project Engineering participated in the planning session. |
Treasurer’s Report
John LaSalle presented a report on EMC Society finances. The Society is tracking toward the budgeted net of $18,400. Committee expenditures (Cost Center 1900) are operating toward an approved budget of $255.4k (deficit). Travel expenses were reviewed with the major expenses being the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) program and the Board AdCom operations. Under miscellaneous activity, Angel funds approved included a payment to Dr. Jamal Shafii, Rock River Valley, North Central Illinois; Wong Tsz Ching and Patrick Wong, Hong Kong Chapter; Frank Sabath, Germany Chapter, and Boris Shusterman of the New England Chapter. Mr. LaSalle discussed the second pass budget for 2011 in detail and concluded his report with a summary statement of the budget as of September 2010.
Mont Handley (left), National Sales Director of the Visit Pittsburgh Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Mike Oliver of MAJR Products, Chair of the 2012 IEEE
International Symposium on EMC in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, conducted a tour of the convention
center during the Board meeting. |
Art in the David L. Lawrence Convention Center reflected the city of Pittsburgh’s long association with the Heinz family, purveyors of fine condiments. |
The David L. Lawrence Convention Center, site of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. |
Past President’s Report
Elya Joffe presented his report. He discussed the recent elections to the Board of Directors and the voting process. Approximately 20% of the ballots were returned. This is a very good number. The newly elected Board members for a three year term beginning January 1, 2011 include Donald Sweeney, Bob Davis, Todd Hubing, Ryuji Koga, Chuck Bunting, and Kermit Phipps.
Discussion ensued about the EMC Society Field of Interest. Dick Ford had some comments. In the interest of time it was suggested that the Field of Interest discussion be moved to New Business.
On the Constitution and Bylaws, Mr. Joffe noted there were several motions made by the Board which impacted these documents. The motions are included in his report. In accordance with policy, these will be announced to the membership via publication in the EMC Newsletter.
Mr. Joffe then discussed the election of officers to the Board of Directors for 2011–2012. The list of candidates for each office was presented. Today the candidates will present their campaign statements; tomorrow the votes will be cast. He showed the order of the voting for November 14. He noted that all existing and new Board members are able to vote in the elections ONLY; newly elected Board members cannot vote on other motions presented during the meeting as their term does not start until January 1, 2011. Mr. Joffe next reviewed the officer election process. The candidates for each office were presented. Each candidate spoke to the Board about their respective interest in the position and future plans should they be elected. Janet O’Neil and John LaSalle were re-elected as secretary and treasurer, respectively, by acclamation.
Conference Services
Ghery Pettit presented his report for Vice-President of Conferences. He presented the dates for the upcoming symposiums and briefly reviewed the individual reports submitted by EMC 2011 (Long Beach), EMC 2013 (Denver) and EMC 2014 (Raleigh).
Mr. Pettit relayed the report of Frank Sabbath. This shows the conferences that have been approved/not approved for EMCS technical co-sponsorship (TCS).
He then presented a review of the TCS applications and efforts underway to standardize the MoU process. A timeline is assigned to each part of the process so there are no delays in the approval process. A mechanism will be added to the process to allow the Board to review the requests for technical co-sponsorship prior to voting. A procedure will also be added to show that the Board can overrule TAC’s recommendation to approve/disapprove the co-sponsorship. The Board approved the application process for EMC Society technical co-sponsorship. The Board also approved technical co-sponsorship for EMC Europe 2011 in York, UK, from September 26–30, 2011; EMC COMPO 2011, in Dubrovnik from November 6–9, 2011; the Asia Pacific EMC conference in May 2012 (APEMC 2012) – conditional upon the society receiving 10% of the net surplus from the conference and that 50% of the members of the technical program committee be from the EMC Society; and long term technical co-sponsorship of EMC Europe for 2012 and beyond.
Mr. Pettit then provided an update on the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mike Oliver is the chair for this symposium. Mr. Oliver noted that there will be a tour of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center later in the meeting. He introduced Mont Handley, National Sales Director of the Visit Pittsburgh Convention and Visitors Bureau, who will lead the tour.
Mr. Pettit’s report concluded with information from Janet O’Neil as Exhibitor Liaison and Regional Conference Coordinator. There are several tabletop shows planned by the EMC Chapters in 2011, including a new one for the joint AP/EMC Chapter in Buenos Aires (Region 9) on April 1. This is the first time a regional IEEE EMC event will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The David L. Lawrence Convention Center sits on the banks of the Allegheny River in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh. Shown enjoying the fresh air during a break in the tour are (from left) Todd Hubing, Francesca Maradei, Janet O’Neil and John LaSalle. |
The November meeting of the Board of Directors included a dinner to thank the outgoing Board members and welcome the incoming Board members. (From left) Andy Marvin from the University of York, Bonnie Brench and Randy Jost of Utah State University enjoyed the reception held before dinner. |
Communication Services
Todd Hubing, Vice-President for Communication Services, presented his report. As a result of the TAB Periodicals Review, Dr. Hubing advised the IEEE EMC Transactions scope of work had not been updated since 1957. Various Board members had suggestions for revisions to the text. President Maradei will also be forming a committee to participate in the IEEE’s review of EMC Society publications early next year.
Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil reported the Fall 2010 issue is in process. The standard symposium and regular feature articles have been provided. Financially, the Summer 2010 issue of 88 pages cost $17,565 for the printing and mailing of 4,625 copies. There were nine advertisers in the issue (down from 18 in the last issue) that generated $11,293.50 in billed ad revenue, of which the EMC Society received a net of $6,211. These financial figures for the Summer 2010 issue are included in her report which shows all three issues produced to date in 2010. Note the Summer issue is traditionally a “light” issue with less content and less ads than the other issues of the year. Ms. O’Neil advised Flavio Canavero will retire as the Newsletter’s Technical Editor at the end of 2010. He heartily recommends Professor Kye Yak See of the Nanyang Technical University in Singapore to replace him as the Technical Editor. Ms. O’Neil has worked with Professor See for many years and appreciates the intelligence and diplomacy he can bring to this position. He is also quite active in the IEEE EMC Society in Asia – which is gaining more prominence in the EMC community. On the Newsletter to Magazine transition, IEEE has approved the Phase I proposal presented at the TAB meetings in Montreal in June 2010. IEEE has also “conditionally approved” Phase II of the proposal in mid October at its FinCom meetings. A formal presentation from the EMC Society is planned for November 18, 2010 at the IEEE TAB meeting in New Brunswick, NJ. Financial details are being reviewed to take into account composition being handled by the IEEE or by an outside contractor as well as the level of IEEE editorial services required. To move forward on this proposal, the EMC Society has an initial investment to make in the first year of magazine publication (2012) which at this time is a not to exceed amount of $40K. The expenses include the cost to be on Xplore as well as a “transition fee” to take composition outside IEEE that will be charged the first three years of publication. For more information, please communicate with Todd Hubing and/or Janet O’Neil.
Heyno Garbe’s report as Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions on EMC is included in the VP Communications Report. He advised the submission rate of 326 papers appears to have leveled off. The page count for 2011 was therefore set at 1,100 pages, including a special issue. There is no backlog of papers to be published; in fact, this is no longer a problem since the approved papers are published when ready directly to IEEE Xplore “Early Access.” Professor Garbe’s report includes charts showing data on paper submissions and production statistics. The Associate Editor lunch held in Fort Lauderdale during the EMC 2010 symposium was very well received. This was a best practice mentioned at the Society’s publications review by TAB. Professor Garbe plans to hold a lunch for the Associate Editors during the EMC 2011 symposium.
Mr. Hubing concluded his report by advising updates continue to be made to the IEEE EMCS web site on a regular basis. No major format changes are planned until 2011.
(From left) John LaSalle, Todd Hubing, Chuck Bunting of Oklahoma State University, Alistair Duffy of De Montfort University, and Colin Brench also enjoyed the reception. |
Member Services
Bob Davis, Vice-President for Member Services, presented his report. He noted he has two motions from Member Services to present at this meeting. Rationale for these motions was included in his report. The Board approved a change in the amount of the President’s Memorial Award from $2K to $4K for the original award and from $1K to $2K for the possible follow on award. The Board also approved the creation and administration of a new “Standards Travel Grant”. Mr. Davis then reviewed the budget for Member Services and costs for the DL program, awards, etc.
Regarding membership, Mr. Davis advised 24 members have been elevated from member to senior member this year to date. Current membership is at 4,031 (with affiliates) a slight increase since this time last year. IEEE membership is up 2.3% and EMC Society membership is up 4.1% since this time last year. The issues with the database, which was affecting the Completed Careers Committee from identifying if deceased individuals were IEEE EMCS members, has been resolved. The committee is working on a membership booth and a brochure. The new e-membership offering will be promoted at the IEEE EMC Society events in Argentina and Brazil next year.
Bruce Archambeault next reported on Awards. All Award Certificates/Plaques have been sent to those who were not at the Fort Lauderdale symposium to receive them in person. The call for awards to be presented at the EMC 2011 symposium is in process.
Don Heirman reported on the “Completed Careers” committee (CCC) activity. Bill Rhodes and Professor Amemiya were honored in the Summer 2010 EMC Newsletter. The CCC continues to process the EMC Society major contributors that have passed away. They are looking for new CCC members that can be active.
Bruce Archambeault reported on the DL program. The DLs for 2010–2011 include Dr. Giulio Antonini, Mark Steffka and Dr. Omar Ramahi. The DLs for 2011–2012 include Jerry Ramie, Jerry Meyerhoff, Professor Wen-Yan Yin and Chuck Bunting. The report includes a price per meeting attendee for a DL lecture, the number of lectures given to date per DL, etc. Regarding the Respected Speakers Bureau (RSB), Mr. Archambeault noted two RSB talks have been presented since the last Board meeting. The current speaker list includes Colin Brench, Alistair Duffy, Jim Drewniak, Tzong-Lin Wu, Cheung-Wei Lam, Eric Bogatin, Werner Schaefer, David Pommerenke, Bruce Archambeault, Elya B. Joffe, Jun Fan and Chris Holloway.
Frank Sabath then provided a detailed report for Region 8. Currently there are 1,248 active members (33 less than his last report); 119 members are in arrears (e.g. a member who has not paid the membership fee) and there are 124 inactive members. A distribution of active members in Region 8 is shown in his report. Within 17 sections there are 12 EMC Chapters and six joint EMC Chapters. An analysis of active member distribution shows that six sections (Denmark, Greece, Iran, Nigeria, Serbia and Montenegro) have enough active members to form an EMC Chapter.
Takeo Yoshino reported on Region 10 activity. Since the last Board meeting, the largest show in China, EMC Shanghai, was held in early November. An EMCS membership booth was not set up since it is a commercial show.
Chapter Coordinator Sergio Pignari reports there are now 73 Chapters; no Chapters are on the IEEE “watch list”. New Chapters under construction include Syracuse, NY; Waterloo, Canada; and West Michigan. The top regions for Chapters includes Regions 1-6 with 33 Chapters, Region 8 with 20 Chapters, and Region 10 with 13 Chapters. A Chapter Chair training session with dinner was held on Monday, July 26 during the Fort Lauderdale EMC symposium – 25 people attended.
Chuck Bunting reported as the Sister Society Coordinator. He wrote an article on this activity for the EMC Newsletter, Fall 2010. Target “sister” societies include the Institute of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan, the Society of EMC Engineers in India and the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) in China.
Kimball Williams presented a detailed report on PACE. This is included in the VP Member Services report.
Bob Davis closed his report by advising Henry Benitez will attend the IEEE Sections Congress in August 2011 in San Francisco, CA.
Bruce Archambeault (left) visited with Dan Hoolihan of Hoolihan EMC Consulting during the reception. Apparently, Dan did not agree with a comment made by Bruce or the intrusion of the photographer! |
(From left) Victoria and Mike Oliver are shown with Dianne Paris and Larry Cohen at the reception. |
Henry Benitez of ElectroMagnetic Investigations, Fred Heather, and Don Sweeney (from left) represent the west coast, east coast and central US-based members of the EMC Society Board of Directors. |
Standards Services
John Norgard, Vice-President for Standards, presented his report. He noted on Smart Grid that the standards committee will organize a smart grid workshop at EMC 2011. Don Heirman presented an update on current standards activity. He noted work continues on aggressive schedules and activities are being pursued with other Societies. There is a potential Board position paper for standard 1775. There will be closer interaction with SACCom in following standards activity in non-EMCS standards developed. Finally, SDCom will join EMC Society efforts in focusing on Smart Grid contributions.
Suspension of Meeting
Ms. Maradei suspended the meeting at 5:00 pm. The meeting continued on Sunday morning, November 14 at 8:30 am.
Continuation of Meeting on
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Note all members present for the November 13 meeting were also present on November 14 with the exception of Don Sweeney, who did not attend due to illness.
Officer Elections
Elections were held for the Board officer positions, including the five Vice-President and President-elect positions. Candidates were voted upon by secret ballot. As a result of the ballot counts:
- Ghery Pettit was elected President-elect
- Bruce Archambeault was elected VP Conferences
- Perry Wilson was elected VP Communications
- Bob Davis was elected VP Member Services
- Bob Scully was elected VP Technical Services
- Don Heirman was elected VP Standards
Following dinner, outgoing Board members from 2008-2010 present - including (from left) Colin Brench, Randy Jost, Bob Davis, and Fred Heather of the Navy Pax River - were recognized for their service to the EMC Society by President Francesca Maradei (center). |
Newly elected Board members for 2011–2013 present - including (from left) Don Sweeney of DLS Electronic Systems, Todd Hubing, Bob Davis and Chuck Bunting – were welcomed by President Maradei (center).
Mr. Davis was re-elected to the Board. |
Following the Board of Directors meeting in Pittsburgh, President Maradei travelled to New Brunswick, New Jersey to attend the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) meetings. While at the meeting, Ms. Maradei was instrumental in securing TAB’s approval of the EMC Society’s transition from a newsletter to magazine in 2012. |
Technical Services
John Norgard presented a report in the absence of Bob Scully, Vice President for Technical Services. The Board approved creating an EMC Society award for excellence in continuing EMC engineering education as outlined in the report. Bruce Archambeault, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair, reported on the activities of his committee. He reviewed the schedule of meetings for the coming year. They will use the same software for EMC 2011 as they have for the past few symposiums. There has been a change in the leadership of several TCs with the chair stepping down, resulting in the vice chair now acting as chair. Randy Jost reported briefly for the Education and Student Activities committee (ESAC). Mr. Heirman noted that the student branches need to be made aware of the importance of emphasizing their relationship to IEEE in the signage at their respective universities. Kimball Williams, the EMC Society Liaison to the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), presented a report on the history and current activity of the SSIT.
Strategic Planning Update
Ms. Maradei reviewed the work the Board has done to date on the strategic planning document. The Board approved the strategic planning document finalized at the November 12, 2010 Board strategic planning meeting. The Board also approved the impact of the approved motions on the strategic plan.
New Business
The following items were discussed under New Business:
Scope of the IEEE Transactions on EMC – Todd Hubing advised he had received several comments from Board members on the version presented at yesterday’s meeting. He updated the scope accordingly. The Board approved the scope of IEEE Transactions on EMC as presented.
Field of Interest (FOI) Review – Dick Ford would like to set up an FOI review committee to develop a new FOI. Anyone interested in joining the committee should contact Mr. Ford. Elya Joffe volunteered to join this committee. Ms. Maradei noted that the IEEE has a 60 word limit on a Society’s FOI statement.
Boston Globe – Dick Ford would like to address the Boston Globe article and their misusage of the EMC Society name on a topic related to cell phone usage. Ms. Maradei agreed to address this with the publication working with Mr. Ford.
Outgoing Board Letter – Randy Jost asked that the Board consider writing a letter to the employer of an outgoing board member thanking them for their employee’s service to the Board.
Summary of Financial Impact of Approved Motions
Elya Joffe advised that the total financial impact of the approved motions made during the meeting is $38,100.
Action Item Review
Secretary O’Neil reviewed the action items discussed during the meeting. An updated, consolidated list of action items will be sent to the Board following the meeting.
Ms. Maradei closed the meeting with thanks to everyone for attending, imploring everyone to address their action items and address the five year review.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
Submitted by:
Janet O’Neil
Secretary, EMC Society Board of Directors