New Technologies for the New Year!
Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil visits with EMC Society Board members, Professors Francesca Maradei and Vesna Roje (from left), at the Board’s annual dinner held in Pittsburgh. For details on the Board meeting in Pittsburgh, see page 66. |
In this issue, our EMC Society President, Francesca Maradei, talks about new technologies in our EMC community that are being addressed by special technical committees. These technologies include Smart Grid, Low Frequency EMC and Transportation System EMC. Smart Grid seems to have become a “buzz word” that everyone is increasingly talking about – and not only by engineers. Smart Grid will deliver electricity from suppliers to consumers by use of two-way digital technology to control power entering homes and buildings to save energy, reduce cost, and increase reliability and transparency. Low Frequency EMC addresses power quality in electric power systems associated with the increased use of electronics in renewables, electric vehicles, energy efficient technologies and Smart Grid applications. Transportation System EMC is concerned with the component and system design, testing and modeling of transportation systems, whether manned or unmanned.
There will also be a special issue this year of the IEEE Transactions on EMC addressing applications of nanotechnology in electromagnetic compatibility.
Read more about how the IEEE EMC Society is staying abreast of these emerging technologies by reading the President’s Message on page 4. Then, consider getting involved! Details on who to contact are provided in this article.
Also in this issue we have two practical papers that should be of interest to the EMC community. These are featured on our cover image and you can find them starting on page 36. Industry expert Clayton Paul has contributed an excellent paper that provides a simple method for rapidly sketching the terminal waveforms of a transmission line. We are grateful to Dr. Paul for his many outstanding papers contributed to the EMC Newsletter over the years. On page 42, you’ll find the second paper of a series by Bernard Démoulin and Lamine Koné on the determination of the transfer impedance of cables and connectors, a topic that impacts many of our EMC members in their daily work. We have received many positive comments about the first paper in this series so we trust you will enjoy the second paper.
This is the last issue for Professor Canavero as our Technical Editor. I am sure you agree with me that his work as the Technical Editor has been excellent the past several years in providing high quality practical papers on interesting and diverse topics. Personally, I am very sorry to announce the end of his tenure as he was such a pleasure to work with over the years. I look forward to welcoming the new Technical Editor, Professor See Kye Yak of the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, in our next issue. He comes highly recommended by Professor Canavero and will provide an avenue for the EMC Newsletter to the rapidly growing EMC community in Asia. I first worked with Professor See Kye Yak during the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. He was one of the speakers Clayton Paul invited to be on the program for the inaugural “Global EMC University” course held at our annual symposium. I enjoyed working with him then and look forward to renewing our friendship. You’ll learn more about Professor See Kye Yak in the next issue of the EMC Newsletter. Please join me in thanking Professor Canavero for his tremendous support as Technical Editor for the EMC Newsletter and in welcoming Professor See Kye Yak.
You’ll find many new contributions in this issue, such as the profile on the newly elected members to the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors (page 59), the call for nominations to the IEEE EMC Society Board of Directors (page 62) as well as a review of the 2010 election process (page 58). You’ll also find notice about changes to the EMC Society Constitution and Bylaws (page 77), big news from iNARTE (page 79) and information about the IEEE Technology Management Council (page 80). There’s an interesting riddle in the introduction to Chapter Chatter (pages 6–7). If you can solve the riddle posed by Mike Violette, let us know!
In closing, we lost a giant member of our EMC community with the passing of Dr. Carl Baum. You can learn more about this legendary man on page 20. May he rest in peace. EMC