The IEEE Technology
Management Council

The EMC Society is one of fourteen founding Member Societies of the IEEE Technology Management Council (TMC) and has a voting representative on its Board of Governors: Kimball Williams, past EMC Society president. The TMC provides an opportunity to network with leaders from the other Member Societies in their common pursuit of the mission and goals of the TMC, and to explore additional ways for the Member Societies to interact with each other and discover programs to help sponsor society membership.
     All engineering disciplines, including EMC, need to understand and work with management requirements in order to operate within the business environment. This includes managers, engineers and industry researchers. As a council, TMC focuses on the elements of technology management using the specific needs of industry in the supporting societies. In this manner, the mission and goals of the TMC can enhance the experience, knowledge, and skill sets of EMC members who now also are, by virtue of the EMC Society being a TMC Member Society, members of their local TMC Chapter.
     Opportunities to network will exist at societal conferences as well. Anyone with an interest in the management of technology, management principles in general, or who is a technical professional responsible for technology management, or is striving to become a manager, should have an interest in the offerings of the TMC. Corporate individual contributors will also benefit from tutorials on how to best survive in industry where employee responsibilities will require contributions to planning, budget and reviews in addition to the expected engineering design and development for products and research.
     EMC Society members may want to subscribe to the TMC publications. The Transactions on Engineering Management is research-oriented, and the popular Engineering Management Review (EMR) is a compilation of papers reprinted from the most respected engineering and technology management journals in the world, as selected by its editorial board. The EMR is targeted more for the practicing professional. TMC has conferences that are attracting business needs of its Society Members and is developing tutorials and distinguished speakers that can be used within society conferences.
     Information about the TMC can be found at



Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Kimball Williams, past president of the IEEE EMC Society and member of the TMC Board of Governors, for sending this article to the EMC Newsletter.



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