Resolution of the Executive Committee meeting held on 30-JUNE-2001


1.            It was noted with thanks that the IEEE Calcutta Section has decided to maintain separate accounts in the name of IAS Calcutta Chapter (although our petition for separate bank accounts has not been accepted by the Section) and such separate account has already been shown in the accounts for the year ended 31st Dec. 2000.


2.            Further resolve that since the IAS chapter has not been sanctioned a separate bank accounts, all accumulated money including chapter supports from IEEE, special grants and profits from Seminars/Tutorials/Conferences etc. received from time to time by the IAS Calcutta Chapter shall be kept in the custody of IEEE Calcutta Section but will be under the separate head of accounts of IAS Calcutta Chapter only.


3.            Such amounts deposited in the bank account of the IEEE Calcutta Section shall accumulate over the years under the separate head of accounts of IAS Calcutta Chapter and shall be shown thus in the annual audited report of the Section.


4.            The IAS Calcutta Chapter shall have the sole authority of spending such accumulated amounts as decided by its own executive committee. The IEEE Calcutta Section shall only operate as the custodian of such grants, since the IAS Chapter does not have a separate bank account and shall not have any discretionary power in relation to spending such amount.


5.            The IEEE Calcutta Section shall however have the right to deduct an amount as overhead charges. The exact amount of such deduction will be finalized mutually.


6.            The Secretary informed the committee that the website for the IAS Calcutta Chapter has been officially hosted. The address of the website is :

7.            The Chairman requested the members to visit the site & give necessary feedback for improvement. A special feature is that the full membership list is available but needs upgradation through individual member feedback.


8.            The committee resolved that efforts would be made to organize one lecture meeting per month from July onwards. The detailed program shall be posted on the website.


9.            It has been resolved that IEEE IAS Calcutta Chapter will associate with IETE, Calcutta & PES Calcutta Chapter for joint programmes in the near future.


10.      Further resolved that the above resolutions are taken confirmed.


11.      The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.




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