1.      It is my pride to announce that Prof. A. K. Chattopadhyay, the only Fellow of our Chapter and our Chairman, has been elected as the IEEE-IAS Distinguished Lecturer from Region-10 for 2002-2003. He is the only person selected from Region-10 this year.


2.    It is time again to Renew your IAS membership to validate it upto 31st December 2002.

§        Please complete your renewal form and submit it with your dues at the earliest to avoid missing issues of the Journal and Transactions.

§        Please request your friends who are current members to renew in time.

§        Also, please request others who were members but have discontinued, to also renew their IAS memberships.

§       Finally, try to convince your other colleagues to join the IAS, so that the Chapter remains healthy through membership increase.


                                                    Sujit K. Biswas

                                           (Secretary, IAS Calcutta Chapter)



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