
 Electrical Power Symposium 2003

"Supply and Demand Challenges"







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Letter of Support from the Minister of Natural
Resources Canada

Letter of Support from the Mayor of Ottawa

Last year event  EDST2002

Registration Details:                                                           

Registration Fees - Symposium                    

Registration Fees
(Includes continental breakfast, buffet lunch, refreshments and symposium digest.)

                                                            By October 27, 2003     After October 27, 2003

Non IEEE/IEE Members

Standard                                                           $100     c                     $120     c

Groups (3+)                                                      $90       c                     $110     c
Indicate your group and its members: __________________________________________

Retired / Job-seekers                                          $60       c                     $80       c
Retired  c       Job-seeker  c

Students                                                            $60       c                     $80       c
Indicate university/college and level/year of study:________________________________

IEEE/IEE Members

Regular:                                                            $80       c                     $100     c
IEEE  c           IEE  c
Specify your membership number:

Groups (3+)                                                      $75       c                     $95       c
Specify: IEEE  c           IEE  c
Specify your membership numbers:
Indicate your group and its members: __________________________________________

 Retired / Job-seekers                                          $50       c                     $70       c
Retired  c        Job-seeker  c
IEEE  c            IEE  c
Specify your membership number:

Students                                                            $50       c                     $70       c
IEEE  c            IEE  c
Specify your membership number ___________________

Field Visit Registration                         

Please register me for the Field Visit                   Yes       c                     No        c

(Registration for the Field Visit to NRC/INMS on Thursday, Nov.13, 2003 is for the Symposium attendees only, and is free of charge. However, prior registration is required because of the security reasons. The meeting point will be at NRC, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, in front of the building M-50, at 1:40 p.m. Visitors parking is free.)

To Register:                                     

To ensure your seat, please register at the following website:

Contact Person: Tom Montgomery, tnwmontgomery@iee.org

Cancellation policy: registrations may be cancelled up to October 27, 2003 with $10 non-refundable booking administration fee applied. Full charges will apply thereafter.

EPS2003 Flyer:                                                                                           
If you would like to view and print the EPS2003 Flyer, please click on IEEE/IEE EPS2003 Flyer.


  © IEEE/IEE 2003                                              Webmaster: Wahab Almuhtadi <almuhtadi@ieee.org>