Our Scope
The scope of the Committee describes the technical responsibilities of the Main Committee and of its Subcommittees. Subcommittees, in addition to their technical responsibilities, have direct responsibility for remaining cognizant of social implications, the environment, esthetics, increased employment, and other matters as related to the practice of electrical engineering.
- Treatment of matters in which the dominant factors are the design, construction and operation of devices or assembled gear to establish (make), interrupt, or change connections in any electric circuit under normal or abnormal condition, including treatment of the following:
* Automatic reclosers and sectionalizers
* Current limiting devices
* Fuses and cutouts
* Gas-insulated switchgear
* Insulation, insulators and hardware for switchgear
* Metal-enclosed buses and all buses included in switchgear assemblies
* Power circuit breakers,
* Switches, including pad-mounted switches
* Switchgear assemblies
* Switchgear devices - Sponsorship and development (either alone or jointly with other technical committees and/or organizations) of standards, recommended practices, guidelines and policies as well as preparation of position papers and/or documents, technical conferences and/or sessions on matters related to items within the Scope above.
- Liaison and cooperation with other technical committees, societies, groups and associations concerned with various aspects of items within the Scope above.
The Main Committee and Subcommittees, in addition to their technical responsibilities, have a responsibility to remain aware of societal and environmental implications of the practice of electrical engineering.
About Us
The Committee meets twice a year (usually in April/May and September/October), in various locations around North America. Over 200 Committee Members and guests, plus spouses/companions from North & South Americas, Europe, Asia, and other areas attend each meeting. The meetings have a technical focus and are strictly non-commercial.
News Flash
For the second time in three years, the Switchgear Committee was honored to receive the PES Technical Council award for Technical Committee of the Year. This award is given by PES Technical Council in recognition of the technical committee that has had an active, impactful year in promoting and advancing the technical influence and value of PES and is a testament to countless hours of commitment from our officers, subcommittee chairs, working group chairs and members.
IEEE-SA Standards Board has updated the patent slides. There have been important wording changes, please review them.
The Committee has given the green light to the formation of a new Subcommittee: Technology & Innovation.
This Subcommittee will facilitate and support research related to Switchgear, Circuit Breakers and Fuses that are covered under IEEE switchgear standards. It will develop technical reports and make recommendations for further advancement of IEEE switchgear standards, and coordinate with othe technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
The need for this new Subcommittee arises out of the rapidly changing world of power delivery, where innovations and new technologies are coming to market almost daily.
Long-time Switchgear Committee member and officer Ted Olsen has received an IEEE PES Technical Council Distinguished Service award in recognition of his 20+ years of tireless work with the Switchgear Committee and PES. (Congratulations Ted!)
Upcoming Meeting
Join us at the palatial
Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek
Orlando, Florida
April 6 – 11, 2025
The schedule will be published on the Next Meetings page.Registration is now open. The link to register can be reached by following the Next Meeting --> link above.
Getting Involved
If you are new to the Committee or want more information on how to get involved, we can help! This page contains information how you can GET INVOLVED!!
Switchgear Committee Annual Reports
now found on the Minutes page
The IEEE SA How Are Standards Written Page
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to find video guides to using the IEEE template
All those IEEE PowerPoint templates
How to Comment on a Standard
IEEE-SA RevCom Comment Resolution Preparation Guidelines
Some Practical Tips on Speeding Up Comment Resolution (T. Burse, 2015)
Committees of the IEEE Technical Council
Professional Development Hours (PDH) Form
New! 27.09.24
Honorary Members of the Committee
Switchgear Committee Newcomers Orientation
CIGRE Study Committee A3 - News and Info
US National Committee of CIGRE
IEEE SA-My Ballot
IEEE SA - Standards Association
Transformers Committee
Surge Protective Devices Committee
Capacitor Subcommittee
Power System Relaying and Control Committee
IEEE PES Upcoming Conferences and Meetings
IEEE offers training for working group officers and members
Access the training by doing the following:
1) Click on this link to the IEEE Volunteers website
2) Login (IEEE Login)
3) Search via Browse Catalog (top search bar)
“IEEE SA's Antitrust, Competition, and Commercial Terms Policies (English)”.
This course is required for WG Officers. Duration 0.5 hours, credits 0.1 CEU/1 PDH -
“IEEE SA Standards Working Group Chair Fundamentals”.
This course is optional. Duration: 4.5 hours, credits: 0.4 CEU/4 PDH