The Product Safety Engineering Society

The Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES) is a global community of professionals committed to keeping our members informed and educated on Product Safety, Certification, and Global Compliance.

Promoting Product Safety, Certification, and Global Compliance for the betterment of society.​

Years Established
Members Worldwide
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Workshops Conducted
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Countries Involved

Upcoming Events

ispce 2025 logo

San Francisco, CA

May 13 – 15 

why you should become a member

Join the forefront of
Product Safety, Certification, and Global Compliance.

Industry Insights

Stay updated with the latest advancements in through engaging meetings, global events such as ISPCE, and more.

Education & Training

Enhance your career through access to career development resources including monthly training videos and educational courses.

Professional Networking

Network with professionals, participate in society events, and engage with local chapters to expand your connections.

Membership Benefits

Enjoy discounts on IEEE events, education courses, travel and more.

Where you can find us

No matter where you are, PSES offers global engagement opportunities. With over 10 chapters in the US and numerous worldwide, from Taiwan to India and Hong Kong, PSES is truly international. Additionally, our virtual chapter welcomes members worldwide. 

Don’t miss our flagship event, ISPCE (The International Symposium of Product Compliance), uniting thousands of professionals globally. 


The International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering

Join us at The International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE), the premier symposium organized by PSES, where professionals gather annually to address pressing challenges in product safety and global certification. Engage in inclusive trainings presented by industry experts, network with like-minded peers, and enhance your education to stay ahead in ensuring product compliance and reliability.


Stay up to date on the latest industry news with PSES’s comprehensive educational resources.

Have a Regulatory Question?

Reach experts around the world and get answers to your regulatory questions via email exchange.

Email: or click here