If you are browsing this web site, chances are that you have an interest in the areas of farm animal environment, animal well-being, precision livestock farming, and/or sustainable animal production. Then, read on!
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare (IRCAEW,, we would like to encourage you to consider attending the 2017 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare (ISAEW2017). ISAEW is a flagship event of IRCAEW that has been held every two years since 2011. The symposia aim to address issues facing the global animal production industry – today and into the future by bringing together some of the very best minds and future professionals in the field to share latest research findings, technological advancements, farm-level applications/adoptions, and future directions. For each symposium, internationally renowned experts from different parts of the world are invited to address state of the science and situations on the thematic topics. For ISAEW2017, the thematic areas include 1) Animal Behavior, Well-being and Health; 2) Environmental Monitoring, Assessment and Control; 3) Biosecurity and Disease Control/Management; 4) Manure Management and Utilization to Reduce Environmental Impact; and 5) Production Systems, Equipment and Techniques. Please refer to the 2017 symposium announcement for listing of more specific topics.
If you have not yet attended the symposium and wish to get an idea about the technical contents and presentations of the previous symposia, simply check out the archived documents for ISAEW2013 and ISAEW2015. We can assure you that the cutting-edge nature of the technical presentations, the rare opportunities of professional networking among multi-disciplinary and multi-national scientists and stakeholders who share the common goals, the friendly atmosphere and platform of information sharing, and the incredible cultural experiences and local hospitality will make your time spent at the symposium well worth it. For those who have attended the events in the past, we hope your prior experiences and what the upcoming symposium has to offer will entice you to come back without any hesitation!
Please note the timelines on the submission of abstracts, full papers and symposium registration. The abstract submission and registration forms can be found on this symposium site.
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium in October 2017! In the meantime, should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2017-06-30
Abstract submission deadline:2017-03-31
Abstract notification of acceptance:2017-04-20
Final paper submission deadline:2017-09-30
Topics of submission
1. Animal Behavior, Well-being and Health
Automated measurement/tracking of animal behaviors and/or well-being
Animal response to different production systems and/or management practices
Impact of physical environment, such as sound, lighting, gases, thermal environment and/or their synergistic effects
Objective and non-invasive assessment of animal well-being and/or health
2. Environmental Monitoring, Assessment and Control
Heat and moisture production rates
Heat stress abatement and thermal indexes to better assess effective environment
Indoor air quality, emissions and abatement techniques
Innovative ventilation system design and technologies
Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in animal environment design and studies
Impact of lighting on animal performance and production efficiency
Real-time sensors for enhanced environmental control
3. Biosecurity and Disease Control/Management
Current biosecurity practices in different countries
Animal diseases and environmental stimuli
Managing disease outbreaks
Environment-friendly disposal of animal mortalities
Humane euthanasia and swift mass depopulation of infected animals
4. Manure Management and Utilization to Reduce Environmental Impact
Manure management/treatment/handling technologies
Manure land application and nutrient management planning
Advances in manure anaerobic digestion systems
Alternative manure utilization systems
Control of odor and gaseous emissions from manure composting or storage
5. Production Systems, Equipment and Techniques
Alternative production systems and performance
Dimensions of modern animal farms for improved housing design
New, innovative housing and husbandry equipment and techniques