i-CREATe is a famous international conference in rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology in the world. It was first jointly organized by National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) of Thailand and Singapore Therapeutic, Assistive and Rehabilitative Technologies (START) Centre of Singapore in 2007. It has become an annual conference of the Coalition of Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology , Asia (CREATe Asia) from 2016. Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, a member of royal family of Thailand, has attended every convention since it took place more than 10 years ago. And it is our great honor and privilege to welcome her to the convention in Shanghai as well.
i-CREATe 2018 will include plenary session and a range of workshops on rehabilitation Engineering and assistive technologies, especially on the new technologies of robotics and artificial intelligence used for rehabilitation . There will also be presentations from the companies of assistive products as well as the people with disabilities using assistive technologies in their daily lives.
i-CREATe 2018 will invite China’s and Asia’s outstanding companies to exhibit and bring together home care and rehabilitation equipment, from ordinary daily living assistive devices through to state-of-the-art care related ones.
gSIC (5 persons) (Non-Author Registration)
There is no relevant introduction
USD 750.00
Attendee RegistergSIC (not over 4 persons) (Non-Author Registration)
There is no relevant introduction
USD 680.00
Attendee RegisterParticipants (Non-Author Registration)
There is no relevant introduction
USD 600.00
Attendee RegisterCREATe Asia Alliance Member (Non-Author Registration)
There is no relevant introduction
USD 520.00
Attendee RegisterCall for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-03-01
Draft paper acceptance notification:2018-05-15
Call for paper description
- 论文必须是原件,没有在其他会议,刊物,杂志等发表过
- 稿件应不超过四页,双栏格式
- 只提交电子版论文
Topics of submission
1. 康复辅助器具产业与政策
- 辅助技术应用于人口老龄化的现状与挑战
- 老龄化社会背景下康复辅助器具产业发展政策
- 医养融合的辅助技术应用与促进
- 康复医疗服务体系创新
- 辅助器具适配服务体系创新
2. 护理与居家
- 个人卫生护理
- 如厕辅助
- 洗浴辅助
- 身体防护
- 家务辅助
3. 个人移动与物品处理
- 助行器与轮椅
- 汽车与交通无障碍
- 移位与翻身
- 物品操控方面的辅助技术
- 无障碍环境控制
4. 沟通增强与替代(AAC)
- 特殊人群、残疾成人的AAC
- AAC的资金评估
- 学习、评价与翻译的AAC产品
- AAC与低/高科技
5. 视觉障碍
- 应用于不同年龄段全盲人和弱视的技术应用
- 应用于先天失明的辅助技术
- 应用于后天失明的辅助技术
- 全盲和弱视的辅助技术评估
6. 听觉障碍
- 耳聋和重听患者的专门辅助技术和结果测量
- 针对耳聋和重听的主流技术的创造性应用
- 现有技术应用于耳聋和重听患者
- 辅助技术整合于耳聋和重听的适当环境
7. 就业
- 辅助技术与现有雇主的结合
- 从学校到就业过渡的辅助技术应用
- 就业的低技术辅助技术解决方案
- 重残者就业的适配技术
- 残疾人就业的样板计划
8. 休闲
- 娱乐辅助器具
- 锻炼和运动辅助器具
9. 康复治疗
- 脑损伤、脊髓损伤、骨与关节康复
- ICU、肿瘤、心脏康复
- 言语、认知、孤独症康复
- 矫形器、假肢
10. 康复机器人
- 生活辅助机器人
- 康复训练机器人
- 智能人机交互技术
- 人体运动感知与控制
- -康复虚拟现实技术
11. 特殊教育
- 残疾人学习的具体AT应用
- 主流教室中AT与学习障碍学生的整合技术
- 学习障碍学生的成长与提高的过渡性辅助技术
- 学习障碍学生的电脑教育策略
12. 通用设计与环境控制
- 包容性住房、工作场所与无障碍问题
- 以用户为中心的设计方法/产品开发
- 智能家居技术、环境控制技术
- 信息无障碍、电子包容、通用设计和可用性
13. 其他