Call for paper
Call for paper description
Oral and paper abstracts are now invited on the following topics
REFORMULATION and NEW SOURCINGS Salt, sugar, lipids reduction, plant proteins, insects, etc STRUCTURE and FUNCTION 2D and 3D – Tomography Emulsions, Interfaces, foams, crystallisation, application in Dairy sector and othersINNOVATIVE CONVENTIONAL and NON THERMAL PROCESSESThermal processes, Refrigeration, HPP, PEF, PLASMA etc ADDITIVE MANUFACTURINGCEREAL PROCESSING and BAKING (SPECIAL SESSION WITH ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology)BIOTECHNOLOGY, BIOPROCESSES IN FOOD and NUTRITIONProbiotics, prebiotics, Microbiota, fermented foods, new strategiesSAFETY, MICROBIOLOGYFood shelf life, innovative packaging, microbial stabilityMODELLING, and PROCESS CONTROLSensors, CFD modelling, etcFOOD ORAL PROCESSING and SENSORY PERCEPTIONTHE FUTURE of FOODS: Education, Consumers science and emerging expectations, the factory of the future