The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics. Recent meetings attracted a multinational audience with 250 – 300 participants each year. The meeting is open to all fields of bioinformatics and is meant as a platform. For the German and European bioinformatics community.
The upcoming GCB will be organised by the Austrian Bioinformatics Platform ATBI and will be held at the University of Vienna. The conference will focus on computation in life sciences and aims to showcase applications and opportunities beyond. Spearheading scientists will be presenting along with young researchers and Industry representatives.
For the first time ever the GCB will be held outside of Germany. While Vienna is mostly known for its impressive buildings from various architectural styles that no tourist should miss out, it also is the biggest University city in the German-speaking area and one of the hubs for life sciences in Europe.
Vienna and the Austrian bioinformaticians look forward to an interesting and enjoyable GCB 2018 in Vienna! To stay up-to-date, please subscribe to the GCB 2018 newsletter (right side of any other page on this website).
Call for paper
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline:2018-07-15
Final paper submission deadline:2018-08-15
Call for paper description
We encourage submissions from all sectors (academia, industry, government, NGOs, etc.) and all areas of computational biology and bioinformatics, including:
- Omics approaches/deep sequences
- Evolution
- Big Data
- Networks/Complexity Science
- RNA-Bioinformatics
- Microbiome
- Precision medicine
- Infrastructure/services
All submissions will be reviewed, evaluated and selected by the program committee.
Author guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Unlike in previous years, we do not solicit the submission of full papers, but structured (extended) abstracts instead. We invite submissions of:
Structured abstracts for presentations of recently published or unpublished work
Poster abstracts
Abstracts for Junior Research Group Presentations
Concepts for Workshops (Sep 25)
Concepts for Tutorials (Sep 25 for half/full-day tutorials or Sep 26-28 for short tutorials)
We challenge submissions from all sectors (academia, industry, government, NGOs, etc.) and all areas of computational biology and bioinformatics, including:
Omics approaches/deep sequences
Big Data
Networks/Complexity Science
Precision medicine
All submissions will be reviewed, evaluated and selected by the program committee.
Instructions for structured abstracts
Please structure your abstracts for talks, posters and junior group presentations into these sections:
Methods and results
Within Easy word hair a text form will be provided for your abstracts (no file or PDF submission necessary). Although no word limit has been configured, please limit your abstract to max. 250 words.
Instructions for workshop and tutorial concepts
Please submit within EasyChair an abstract and a concept of your workshop or tutorial:
Abstract (into text form, max 150 words please):
Introduce your workshop or tutorial to the Scientific audience. We will use the abstract to advertise the workshop or tutorial on the GCB web page. -
Concept (as PDF file):
Please describe the logistics of the workshop or tutorial you propose (expected number of participants, tentative schedule, room(s) and technical equipment needed, registration procedure, expected costs and financial concept).
We will evaluate the submitted concepts within a few days after submission and will then contact you immediately to make all necessary arrangements.
- Christoph Bock
- Juliane Dohm
- David Kreil
- Harald Marx
- Thomas Rattei