
Event that will take place from November 14 to 16, 2018, in which the following thematic axes will be developed:

  • Economy, Commerce, Business Administration and Services
  • Education, Social Development, Art, Design and Communication
  • ICTs, Technologies and Processes
  • Biotechnology, energy and renewable natural resources
  • Agricultural and forestry sciences
  • Health and Human Well-being

In this sense, the REDU and the Universidad Técnica del Norte invite professors and researchers to participate as speakers in this international event, to disseminate research progress and results.

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper acceptance notification:2018-07-31

Abstract submission deadline:2018-06-30

Final paper submission deadline:2018-09-15

Call for paper description


  1. Economy, Commerce, Business Administration and Tourism
  2. Jurisprudence and law
  3. Education, Social Development and Communication
  4. Design, Architecture, City and Territory
  5. ICTs, Technologies and Processes
  6. Biotechnology, Energy and Renewable Natural Resources
  7. Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
  8. Health and Human Well-being

Author guidelines


1. Rules for the presentation of the summary

Title of the article for presentation or poster

• Title of the article, it must be clear, short (maximum 18 words) and concise; with uppercase initial and the rest in lowercase letters, highlighted in bold, centered, with a font size of 14 points.

Author or Authors

• Name (s), last name (s) centered. Maximum 4 authors

• Institutional affiliation: Institution, country and email of the authors. 


The extension of the summary must not exceed 250 words. The style should be concise and contain no references. The structure will preferably include:

- Foundation of the study. 

- General purpose.

- Brief description of materials and methods.

- Presentation of the most relevant results and conclusions.

It will be written in a single paragraph, separated by a comma, semicolon and a dot followed.

Keywords : At the end of the summary, up to six keywords that describe the content of the research should be cited.

Abstract  All articles written in Spanish must include a summary in English (abstract). The articles that are presented in the English, Quichua or Portuguese language, must include it in Spanish.

Keywords: Keywords translate into English


2. Rules for the publication of scientific articles

Item size

The extension of the article will be of at least 2500 words and a maximum of 3500 including the bibliographical references, in the Word word counter. For both author, text, tables and figures, as well as to include the bibliography, APA standards will be used .

Article format

Manuscripts should be presented with the four margins of 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman 12 points, spaced at 1.15, justified and numbered pages. As part of the submission process, the authors must verify that the manuscript complies with all the indications indicated, otherwise they will be returned .


To be published in the book of the event, the articles must be unpublished, they may not have been published in other journals. Authors must indicate in their first submission of the article that they comply with this standard through a letter of originality and consent for publication (Attached format).

Structure of the articles (Tables, Figures, citations and Bibliographic References adapted to APA standards)

Title of the article for presentation or poster

• Title of the article, it must be clear, short (maximum 18 words) and concise; with uppercase initial and the rest in lowercase letters, highlighted in bold, centered, with a font size of 14 points.

Author or Authors

• Name (s), Surname (s), centered. Maximum 4 authors

• Institutional affiliation: Institution, country and email of the authors. 

  1. Summary

The extension of the summary must not exceed 250 words. The style should be concise and contain no references. The structure will preferably include:

- Foundation of the study. 

- General purpose.

- Brief description of materials and methods.

- Presentation of the most relevant results and conclusions.

It will be written in a single paragraph, separated by a comma, semicolon and a dot followed.

Keywords : At the end of the summary, up to six keywords that describe the content of the research should be cited.

  1. Abstract

All articles written in Spanish must include a summary in English (abstract). The articles that are presented in the English, Quichua or Portuguese language, must include it in Spanish.

Keywords: Keywords translate into English

  1. Introduction

It should inform about the importance of the topic, supported by an updated bibliographic review that reflects the state of the art and the context with other research, including bibliographic citations, to end with one or two sentences that define the objectives and essence of the article.

  1. Materials and methods

It must provide sufficient information to allow the replication of the studies, subdividing them into sections according to the materials, methods of data collection and analysis. The type of research, the methods, techniques and instruments used will be explained; if necessary, the population and sample.

  1. Results

They must be exposed in a clear manner, according to the objectives set out in the research. If there are tables or figures they should be cited according to APA standards.

  1. Discussion

The achievements should be highlighted, relating them to the results of other authors and the existing theory; try to explain the reason for the results obtained. If necessary, the results and discussion can be unified in a single item .

  1. Conclusions

They must be synthetic and consistent with the results and discussion. The conclusions must be presented clearly in response to the questions that originated the study and the objectives, therefore, it is recommended that there be as many conclusions as there are objectives. It is convenient to make clear the limitations that the study presented and the way they could affect the conclusions.

  1. recommendations

They are optional and should be brief

  1. Bibliographic references

All bibliographical references should be cited in the text and the citations should be included in the bibliographical references. Adjusted to the APA standards.

The figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, have their corresponding legend in the lower part and always be referenced in the text. Example: Figure 1 shows the flow chart of the yogurt making process. The figures must be legible and understandable, regardless of whether the document is printed in color or in black and white. Adapted to APA standards.

The tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and always be referenced in the text. Example: Table 1 shows the distribution of relative frequencies of preferences to the products under study, according to ethnicity. If it is self-created, do not declare it in the note, since it is understood that the author of the article has prepared the table.

The sending of articles must be uploaded in Word format on the web page of the event, accompanied by a brief letter addressed to the Director of the University Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CUICYT), UTN; indicating the originality of the work and the consent for its publication (attached format), if approved.

All the articles received, which comply with the formal requirements, will be subject to review by the Scientific Committee of each of the thematic axes and by blind peers. Its approval will be subject to scientific content, supported by the criteria of the arbitrators.


3. Rules for the publication of posters

Scientific posters must be unpublished, previously published works or that have been presented in other congresses or scientific events; If this happens, they will be rejected automatically.


The application for the acceptance of the scientific posters must be written in Times New Roman font, size twelve (12), black, with simple line spacing, justified alignment for the text and bold for the titles. The content of the application for the acceptance of scientific posters must have the following characteristics:

  •  The title must be written in capital letters, must be concise (no more than eighteen words, 18), clear and explanatory of the content of the work.
  •  The author (s) will write their surnames in lowercase, except the first letter; only the initial of the first name will be written. The main author will be cited first and the others in order of relevance.
  • The summary must be written in maximum two hundred (200) words.
  • Note: use the logo of the institution only in case you are representing it officially.
  • At least two of the authors of each poster, without exception, must be registered in the event when sending their scientific work to be submitted for evaluation by the Scientific Commission (otherwise it will not be accepted).
  • The application of the scientific posters must be sent for registration and arbitration to the event website. The person sending it will receive a notification of the reception of the work by email.

 - After the application is evaluated by the Scientific Commission, the acceptance or rejection of it, will be notified via email indicating the place, date and time for its assembly.

 - The presentation of a poster, research works (documentary, descriptive or experimental) and clinical cases will be accepted.

 -In addition, along with the application, you must send the previous image of the poster in JPG or PDF format.

Physical Presentation of Approved Posters:

 - The dimension of the scientific poster (poster) will be 100 cm high and 70 cm wide (vertical format) in one piece.

  - The size of the letter should allow reading from a distance of one meter. It is recommended that the title be two or more centimeters and the text of the body not less than half a centimeter in height. It is suggested that the letters chosen for the content have a good contrast in their printing.

  - The body of the poster that exhibits a research paper should include:

Author / s


Investigation objectives





  - The figures, tables and illustrations must be sufficiently explanatory and be diagrammed in such a way as to allow an adequate reading. In addition, they must be distributed sequentially, in order to explain them. A caption must be placed below each illustration.

- The body of a poster that exhibits a report of a clinical case, should be adjusted to the presentation of the same according to the characteristics described in these standards.

 - Lightweight, easy-to-hold material will be used in the selected panel for its exhibition.

 - The poster will be located by the authors, in the designated areas and duly indicated by the organizers of the event, will be assigned a number that will identify the poster and the place that corresponds to its placement.

- Assembly and disassembly will be the responsibility of the author / s of the work.


  • Dr. Marcelo Cevallos, Ph.D, UTN (President)
  • Dr. Teresa Sánchez, Ph.D, UTN
  • Dr. Miguel Naranjo, UTN
  • Dr. Alexandra Mina, UTN
  • M.Sc. Hernán Cadena, UTN
  • M.Sc. Fernando Garrido, UTN
  • Dr. Jorge Anaya, UTN
  • MBA Edgar Monteros, UTN
  • M.Sc. Jaime Alvarado, UTN
  • Dr. Miguel Posso, Ph.D, UTN
  • Dr. Juan Carlos García, Ph.D, UTN
  • M.Sc. Mairett Rodríguez, UTN

Scientific committees

Economy, Commerce, Business Administration and Tourism

Marisela Giraldo, Ph.D. in Social Sciences Mention Management, Venezuela (Coordinator), UTN, UTN

Jaime Moreno, Ph.D. in Economics, Labor and Production, Spain, UTN

Rolando Lomas, Ph.D in Environmental Education, Venezuela, UTN

Carmen Trujillo, Ph.D in Education Ambie.ntal, Venezuela, UTN


2. Jurisprudence and law

Harry Clavijo, Ph.D. in Law, Bolivia, UTN

Xavier Alarcón, Mg. In Administrative Law, Ecuador, UTN

Andrea Galindo, Mg. in Constitutional Law, Ecuador, UTN

Hugo Navarro, Mg. in Criminal Law, Ecuador, UTN

Paúl Pérez, Mg. in Criminal Law, Ecuador, UTN

Gabriela Aguirre, Mg. in Administrative Law, Ecuador, UTN

Aracely Paltán, Mg. in Human Rights, Ecuador, UTN


Education, Social Development and Communication

Jesús Aranguren, PhD in Education, Venezuela (Coordinator), UTN

Teresa Sánchez, PhD in Higher Education, Argentina, UTN

Miguel Posso, PhD in Tourism, Interculturality and Sustainability, Spain, UTN

Itala Paredes, PhD in Human Sciences, Venezuela, UTN 

Dr. Miguel Naranjo Toro, University Teaching and Training Research, Ecuador, UTN


4. Design, Architecture, City and Territory

Jesús Coronado, PhD in Construction and Architectural Technology, Spain, UTN

Susan Galvez, PhD in Fine Arts specialty printmaking and stamping, Ecuador, UTN

Albert Arnavat, PhD in Geography and History, Spain, UTN


TIC ' s, Technologies and Processes

Gerardo Collaguazo, PhD in Energy Engineering, Ecuador (Coordinator), UTN

Ivan García, PhD in Computer Engineering, Spain, UTN

David Ojeda, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Venezuela, UTN


6. Biotechnology, Energy and Renewable Natural Resources

José Ali Moncada, PhD in Sustainable Development, Venezuela (Coordinator), UTN

Juan Carlos García Montoya, PhD in Engineering, Ecuador, UTN

Christina Echeverría, PhD in Plant Production Science, Ecuador, UTN


7. Agricultural and Forestry Science

Jorge Luis Cué, PhD in Forest Sciences, Ecuador (Coordinator), UTN

Mario Añazco

Marcelo Cevallos Vallejos,

Julia Prado, PhD in Entomology, Ecuador, UTN

James Rodríguez, PhD in Forest Sciences, Colombia, UTN


8. Health and Human Welfare

Carmen Pacheco, first degree specialist in comprehensive general medicine, Cuba (Coordinator), UTN 

Dra. Magdalena Espín, Master in University Teaching and Educational Research, Ecuador, UTN

Katherine Esparza, Master in Manual Orthopedic Therapy, Ecuador, UTN

Dr. Yesenia Acosta Psychiatry Specialist, Ecuador, UTN

Dr. Jorge Luis Anaya, Master in Medical Emergencies in Primary Care, Cuba, UTN

Dr. Rodrigo Alvear, Family Medicine Specialist, Ecuador, UTN


Committee of attention and protocol

MSc. Victoria Ruiz, teacher in charge of protocol of FACAE (Chair)

MSc. Ana María Larrea, Coordinator of the Social Communication career

MSc. Elcira Pita, CUICYT, UTN

Students of the FACAE Tourism career

Students of the career of Social Communication


Promotion and communications committee

MSc. Claudia Ruiz, Director of the communication unit, UTN (Chair)

Witman Martínez, Director of Organizational Communication, UTN

MSc. Lourdes Yépez, CUICYT, UTN

Deputy Secretaries of each academic unit: Verónica Cerda (FACAE), Ana Quintana (FECYT), Viviana Cuásquer (FICA), Catalina Salgado (FICAYA), Rosa Andrade (FCCSS) and Sonia Cazar (Postgraduate), UTN

Communications department staff, UTN


Technical support committee

MSc. Juan Carlos García, Director of the IT Department, UTN (Chair)

Gabriela Cárdenas, IT department, UTN

Ing. Gabriel Chiriboga


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Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    14 Nov.



    16 Nov.


  • 30 Jun.


    Abstract submission deadline

  • 31 Jul.


    Draft paper acceptance notification

  • 15 Sep.


    Final paper deadline

Contact information

  • +59302 997800 Ext. 7134/7133/7132/7131.