Build, Bridge, Drive
The social and business dimensions of fisheries and aquaculture (eg, entrepreneurship and tourism) are cheerful factors in decision-making by natural resource agencies, regional planners, private sectors, civil societies, and policy makers. Often, there are vied uses of Between development and conservation sectors constrain sustainability. However, resilient fishing and aquaculture industries can be achieved by looking at the environment and growth, not as contending issues, but rather as interdependent parts of a whole.
Now on its fourth year, the International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (ICFAS 2018) with the UPV-College of Management as host warmly welcomes you to Iloilo City, a vibrant port city in Central Philippines. The conference brings together research, professionals, Business leaders and entrepreneurs, and industry enablers to discuss the latest researches and debates on natural sciences, business, marketing, social sciences, and governance – all important components in building partnerships and gaining capital investments, bridging research-industry gaps, and transforming the fisheries And aquaculture industries into sustainable, market-oriented, and responsible endeavors that drive developing economies and beyond.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-11-14
Abstract submission deadline:2018-07-16
Call for paper description
You are enjoined to take part in the exchange of the latest research and debates on business, marketing, social sciences, governance, and the natural and physical sciences in the promotion of fisheries and aquatic sciences by sending your abstract to the 4th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (ICFAS 2018) to be held in Iloilo City. Deadline of abstract submission is on July 16, 2018.
Abstract submissions should be clear and well written, demonstrating high quality scientific research. All submissions should be sent to (with the email subject: yourFamilyName Abstract Submission) using the ICFAS 2018 Abstract Template. A sample is also provided for your reference. The naming of abstract files should be:
- Oral presentation
- Single author: Oral_Belanio_AbstractTitle
- Multiple authors: Oral_Belanio_etal_AbstractTitle
- Poster presentation
- Single author:Poster_Belanio_AbstractTitle
- Multiple authors: Poster_Belanio_etal_AbstractTitle
Sustainable business management and competitive strategies for fisheries and aquatic resources industry
- Supply/value chain analysis of fisheries and aquaculture products and/or services
- Business and entrepreneurship in fisheries and aquaculture industries
- Marketing and tourism
- Social marketing in fisheries management
- Fisheries and aquatic resources accounting and climate change financing
- Information and communications technology (ICT) in fisheries and aquaculture
Governance in the fisheries and aquatic resources industry
- Fisheries and aquaculture planning and management
- Public administration and governance
- Maritime laws, regulations, standards, and governance
Science-based and sustainable practices in fisheries and aquaculture industry
- Innovative technologies, technology transfer, and commercialization for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- Fisheries and aquatic ecosystems health
- Post harvests, fish products, and food safety for revolution communities
- Aquatic resources, biodiversity, ecology, and environment
- Alternative fishery and aquatic resources for food, energy, and other applications
- Other related topics
Other social science issues and debates in the fisheries and aquatic resources industry
- Marine biodiversity and society
- Gender in fisheries and aquaculture
- Disasters risk reduction management
- Maritime history, arts and culture
- Other related topics