
All Ireland Conference on Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Further and Higher Education is a collaboration between the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) and the Learning Innovation Network (LIN). We welcome proposals dealing with any aspect of learning, teaching and assessment in further and higher education and particularly encourage submissions around the conference theme of ‘Using evidence to enhance learning’. The conference hopes to promote inclusive conversations across and between sectors and disciplines.  We are seeking a wide range of contributions and welcome submissions focused on practice sharing as well as those concerned with empirical research and/or policy.

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2018-06-07

Abstract submission deadline:2018-06-07

Call for paper description

All proposals must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.  Proposals are sought for

  • Papers (15 minutes) - reports of original, completed research or pedagogical interventions/innovations, projects, evaluations, theoretical or policy focused papers.
  • Lightening talks (5 mins) - work in progress, pilots and small-scale projects and interventions.
  • Posters - research, innovations, projects and evaluations.

All proposals should be submitted as an abstract  200-300 words in length using the link.  In the title section, The first word  should indicate the kind of submission you are making, followed by a colon and the title of your paper.  For example,

Poster: International students' perceptions of audio feedback 

We will try to accomodate format preferences as far as possible, however ensuring a balanced programme may sometimes mean that accept a proposal but offer another format.

Please don’t include references in the abstract unless absolutely necessary.  References should be included in the word count.   All submissions will be blind peer reviewed and authors notified if the outcome by July 1st.After the conference, all presenters will be invited to submit a full article for consideration for publication in a special issue of the All Ireland Journal of Higher Education (AISHE-J)


  • Moira Maguire (Co-Chair), 
  • Nuala Harding (Co-Chair), 
  • Gavin Clinch
  • Martin Fitzgerald,
  • Carina Ginty,
  • Jen Harvey,
  • Sylvia Huntley Moore,
  • Ekaterina Kozina
  • Morag Munro
  • Tamara O'Connor
  • Noeleen O'Keeffe
  • Ciarán O'Mathuna


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Important dates

  • 30 Oct.


    Conference date

  • 07 Jun.


    Abstract submission deadline

  • 07 Jun.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information
