This conference is an avenue to disseminate innovative research results and latest development in technologies related to agriculture which are aimed at fighting food insecurity. The conference will bring together leading researchers and scientists in agriculture and allied fields, and even commoners in the domain of interest from around Africa and the world. This international conference brings together experts, intelligentsia and potential researchers from various fields of agriculture to cross-fertilise ideas and ponder on the recent innovations and techniques for the sustainable development aimed at fighting food insecurity in Africa. Therefore, during the three-day conference, all participants will have plenty of opportunities for exchanging ideas, findings and the latest research results and exploring the rich culture of the Nupe and Gbagyi kingdoms in central Nigeria.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-10-01
Abstract submission deadline:2018-08-31
Final paper submission deadline:2018-10-01
Call for paper description
List of Topics
* Sustainable food and environmental security
* Efficient management of soil resources for food security
* Water resources, fisheries and aquaculture for food security
* Integrated pest and diseases management systems Ranching: the way forward
* Organic Agriculture research and development
* Livestock production technologies for enhanced food and income security
* Livestock diseases resistance as a threat to food security
* Emerging trends in e-agriculture for food security
* Extension for sustainable rural development: the role of improved technologies
* Drone technology for food security
* Resource management for higher efficiency
* Agricultural and food policy issues in a challenged economy
* Macroeconomic and price policies management
* Technologies for improved farm productivity for food security
* Crops production, climate change effects and risks mitigation strategies
* Climate-smart agriculture
* Strategies for mitigating post-harvest losses
* Emerging trends in food processing and preservation
Author guidelines
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers