It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health Sciences (ICTMHS) in conjunction with the 4th Java International Nursing Conference (JINC), to be held in Semarang Indonesia, on September 14-15, 2018.
The conference aims to enable educators, students, practitioners and researchers from nursing, medicine, midwifery and other health sciences to disseminate and discuss evidence of health profession education, research, and practices to improve the quality of care. This conference also provides participants opportunities to develop their professional networks, learn from other colleagues and meet leading personalities in nursing and health sciences.
The 2nd ICTMHS and 4th JINC 2018 will be comprised of keynote lectures and concurrent submitted oral presentations and poster sessions. The conference will organize separate interactive poster sessions as an integral part of the conference program to enable poster presenters to fully interact and discuss their research with all participants.
The following themes have been chosen to be the focus of the conference.
Inter-professional Education and Research (Ethics and Value, Communication, Roles and responsibility, Team working).
Collaborative Practice (Palliative Care, Critical Care, Primary Healthcare, Acute and Emergency Care, Chronic Illness Care, End of Life Care, Patient Safety, Mental Health, Healthcare Management and Leadership)
Translational Medicine
Nutrition, Dietetic, and Food (Dietetic in nutrition management, Functional food and nutraceutical, Community nutrition).
We would invite abstract submission from everyone who has research on related topics until 30 April 2018. Selected articles will be published to Scopus-indexed journal.
This 2nd ICTMHS and 4th JINC 2018 will be held in Semarang, a beautiful and fascinating city with rich history and tradition of Java. The city is located in Central of Java, near Borobudur temple: one of Seven Wonders of the World.
For futher information, please refer to conference website address, and submit your abstract either for oral or poster presentation. We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Semarang.
Conference Programs:
Day 1. Friday, 14 September 2018
Concurrent Session I
Coffee Break
Poster Session I
Lunch Break
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session I (IPE)
Coffee break
Plenary Session II (Stunting)
Gala Dinner
Day 2. Saturday, 15 September 2018
Plenary Session III (Maternal Emergency)
Coffee break
Concurrent Session III
Poster Session II
Lunch break
Concurrent Session IV
Closing Ceremony
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-05-30
Abstract submission deadline:2018-05-31
Call for paper description
The theme of the present conference is “Creating a Better Future of Healthcare: Partnership in Research, Education, and Clinical Care.”
The present conference will address the following sub-themes:
1. Inter-professional Education and Research
– Ethics and Value
– Communication
– Roles and responsibility
– Team working
2. Collaborative Practice
– Palliative Care
– Critical Care
– Primary Healthcare
– Acute and Emergency Care
– Chronic Illness Care
– End of Life Care
– Patient Safety
– Mental Health
– Healthcare Management and Leadership
3. Translational Medicine
4. Nutrition, Dietetic, and Food
– Dietetic in nutrition management
– Functional food and nutraceutical
– Community nutrition
Author guidelines
Conference participants should first register as Author in the EDAS Account.
Registration process is only performed online via the above website and NOT e-mail.
Click “Paper Submission” in our official website at and you will find the EDAS login page.
Log in to your EDAS account. If you do not have any account yet, you should start creating a NEW ACCOUNT at
Please follow the instruction on EDAS and complete the forms.
After the completion, please open your mailbox. You will receive an email which informs your username and ID number as well as initial password. Click the link to verify your EDAS account.
Log into the EDAS website and input your email address and password. You can also change your password.
Click to the “Submit Paper” tab at the top of the page. Find our conference among the list of conferences accepting submissions or type “ictmhsjinc2018”. To begin the process of submitting the paper, click on the ‘submit’ icon to add new paper for the conference. This will bring you to the conference EDAS homepage.
You will open a page for registering your paper; this is the first step out of the three step submission process. The following are three steps in online submission process:
Step 1 – Registering Paper: Fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered.
Enter title and abstract of the paper. Your paper title should NOT be in all upper or all lower-case.
Check the box “Add yourself as author” if you are indeed an author of the paper. You can add other authors later and you can change the order of authors.
Enter keywords, if configured for your conference.
Please input your abstract not more than 300 words and minimum 100 words.
Select the topics from the list of paper topics that best classify your paper (e. Collaborative Practice, etc).
Once you have all the information filled in, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. This will lead to a page that acknowledges your paper’s registration and allows you to add authors. You can edit your abstract from our spelling checker program. Then, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Step 2 – Adding Authors: Add authors by following the link after registering the paper or going to your EDAS home page and following the link for your paper. Note that your paper has to have at least one author before you can submit a manuscript. In the blank form, enter each author using either their EDAS identifier, email address or their last name. Each author must be registered in EDAS. You will then be prompted to choose among existing EDAS entries. If an author is not yet registered in EDAS, you will be prompted for the information (name, email address, affiliations, etc) to register them and they will receive an email with their password.
Step 3 – Submitting and Uploading your Paper: After registering your paper submission, you must upload your actual paper, typically Microsoft Word Document. Make sure that you also give a check mark for the paper. You can upload your paper from your EDAS homepage by clicking on the icon in the line that shows your paper’s basic information.
After you return to your EDAS homepage, you will see your uploaded paper. If you click on the paper number, you will see the paper details. If you click on the paper under “Document (show)”, you will see the Ms.Word version that you uploaded.
From your EDAS homepage, you can see the status of your paper. After your paper has been uploaded, the color indicating the status will change to yellow, and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to all authors.
After you have submitted your paper, you can revise your submission at any time before the submission deadline. To revise your submission, go to your EDAS homepage. Just upload a new PDF version the same way you did already for the previous version. Please do not register and submit a new version as if it were a new separate paper, since this will duplicate the paper registration records.
You need to wait for the next notification at EDAS after our reviewer has reviewed your paper. You also will receive notification by email.
Chairperson: Ns. Reni Sulung Utami,S.Kep.,MSc.
Co-Chair: Gemala Anjani, S.P.,MSi., Ph.D
dr. Nani Maharani,M.Si.Med.,Ph.D.
dr. Muflihatul Muniroh,M.Si.Med., Ph.D.
Dr. Anggorowati,M.Kep.,Sp.Mat
Suhartini, MNS.,Ph.D
Dr. Luky Dwiantoro,S.Kp.,M.Kep
Dr. Diana Nur Afifah, S.TP.,M.Si.
Ns. Devi Nurmalia,S.Kep.,M.Kep
Ns. FatikhuYatuni A, S.Kep., M.Sc.
Ns. Nana Rochana, MN.
Ns. Sri Padmasari, MNS
Megah Andriyani,M.Kep.,Sp.Kom
Deny Yudi Fitranti, S.Gz., M. Gz.
Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, S.Gz., M. Gz.
Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, S.Gz., M. Gz.
dr. I Edward Kurnia Setiawan L., Sp. PK
dr. Yetty Movieta Nency,Sp.A(K)
dr. Nur Farhanah, Sp.PD., M.Si.Med
dr. Ratnasari Dwi Cahyanti, Sp.OG(K).,M.Si.Med
Sarah Ulliya,S.Kp., M.Kes
Ns. Niken Safitri D.K.,M.Si.Med
Ns. Artika Nurrahima,M.Kep.
Ns. Diyan Yuli W., M.Kep.
Rahma Purwanti, SKM.,M.Gizi
Ayu Rahadiyanti,S.Gz., MPH
Nurmasari Widyastuti, S.Gz.,M.Si.Med
Ns. Heni Kusuma, S.Kep.,M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.KMB
Fillah Fiethra Dieny, S.Gz.,M.Si.
Binar Panunggal, S.Gz.,MPH
dr. M. Besari Adi Pramono, Sp.OG(K), M.Si.Med
Ns. Ahmat Pujianto,M.Kep
Ns. Dody Setiawan, M.Kep
Nur Laili Fithriana,S.Kep
Widha Riana, S.IP
Pradipta Ari Pamungkas,S.Kom.
Titik Prawitarsih, S.E.
Diah Widiani, S.E.
Dedy Setyo Soeparno
Pramuji, S.Kom
Asih Nurakhir, S.Pd.
Margiyono, S.Kom
Ari Wahyu S,S.Kep
Etty Nurul Afidah, S.Kep.
Heri Tri Hariyanto,S.E.
Heri Krisnanto
Wahyu Erlangga
Abu Mansyur
Septi Harni,S.Kep
Diyah Sumanti, Amd.
Evi Silitoma K.
Muhammad Hasin
Agus Salim
Scientific Committee
Coordinator: Ns. FatikhuYatuni A, S.Kep., M.Sc.
- dr. Nani Maharani,M.Si.Med.,Ph.D.
- dr. Muflihatul Muniroh,M.Si.Med., Ph.D.
- Dr. Anggorowati,M.Kep.,Sp.Mat
- Suhartini, MNS.,Ph.D
- Dr. Luky Dwiantoro,S.Kp.,M.Kep
- Dr. Diana Nur Afifah, S.TP.,M.Si.
- Ns. Nana Rochana, MN.
- Ns. Sri Padmasari, MNS
- Megah Andriyani,M.Kep.,Sp.Kom
- Deny Yudi Fitranti, S.Gz., M. Gz.
- Hartanti Sandi Wijayanti, S.Gz., M. Gz.
- Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati, S.Gz., M. Gz.
- dr. I Edward Kurnia Setiawan L., Sp. PK
- dr. Yetty Movieta Nency,Sp.A(K)
- dr. Nur Farhanah, Sp.PD., M.Si.Med
- dr. Ratnasari Dwi Cahyanti, Sp.OG(K).,M.Si.Med