The 2018 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC 2018) is the ninth annual workshop that provides an opportunity for participants to discuss state-of-the-art data visualization techniques and review how such techniques can be applied to healthcare data. Workshop is to bring together medical experts, leading scientists, and visionaries to discuss how visual analytics can be applied to healthcare data and discuss the areas of healthcare that need more attention from the visual analytics community. The workshop will enable participants to showcase their ongoing work On visual analytics of healthcare-related data through podium, poster, or demo presentations, as well as to learn more about emerging techniques, software applications, and datasets.
During the last eight years the Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC) has been organized and brought annually, alternating between the IEEE VIS conference and the AMIA Annual Symposium. This year the VAHC 2018 workshop is affiliated with the AMIA Annual Symposium in San Francisco. , California and will take place on Saturday, November 3. For information about all previous VAHC events and to access the open-access proceedings from each of the previous workshops, please see .
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-08-01
Draft paper acceptance notification:2018-09-15
Call for paper description
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Visualization of patient-generated health data
Visualization of prescription drugs and drug-drug interactions
Visualization of public health data
Design of dashboards for public health surveillance programs
Visual analysis and exploration of longitudinal clinical data
Visual analytics as a means for knowledge discovery
Visual data mining of EMRs
Visual analytics for patient safety
Visual analytics in surgery
Visual analytics in radiology
Visual analytics in the emergency department (ED) and operating room (OR)
Visual analytics to explore multi-omic datasets
Improving clinical workflow with visual analytics
Improving understanding of patient behavior and experience
Improving patient education and/or clinician-patient communication
Outcome forecasting or prediction
Pandemic forecasting and tracking
Human computer interaction
Evaluation of visual analytics techniques and systems
Jeremy L. Warner, MD, MS (co-chair and chair of the AMIA Visual Analytics WG)
Annie T. Chen, PhD, MSIS (co-chair)
Danny TY Wu, PhD, MSI (co-chair)
John Manning, MD (design challenge chair)
Carolyn Petersen, MBI, MS (paper chair)
Chethan Jujjavarapu, PhD candidate (publicity chair)
Gal Levy-Fix, PhD candidate (student committee chair)
David Borland
Jesus J Caban, PhD
Bum Chul Kwon, PhD
Harry Hochheiser, PhD