
Exchange of experiences in utilization of advanced ICT for education Development of a multidisciplinary platform for information exchange in research and development of multimedia and hypermedia applications, in a complex computer support of learning and in new telecommunication services Creating of a broad database of future customers and users of the presented services Supporting a collaboration among the users and suppliers of learning solutions.

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2018-09-09

Call for paper description

1. Education and Research

  • Politics of educational process in knowledge society
  • Platforms for consensus, comparison, evaluation, and development of politics of education
  • National and European Qualifications Framework
  • Revitalization of higher education and promotion of industry - university collaboration
  • Multinational educational, training, and youth partner programs
  • International projects of innovative teaching and learning
  • Educational structures over crossing country borders - international recognition of qualifications and comparability of qualifications
  • Sharing best practices on intercultural education
  • Education, Research and Globalization
  • Leadership and University Administration
  • Digital Divide and access to the Internet
  • ICT Skills

2. Emerging Technologies in Education

  • Evaluation of impact of high - speed networks and new generation Internet access on users
  • Experiences with building and operation of emerging broadband communication structures, in particular of high - speed internet for academic sphere
  • Presentations and verification of publicly oriented network applications and systems (e.g. multimedia applications, videoconferencing, IP streamings with elements of Quality of Services)
  • Architectures and design of distributed learning environments
  • Methodologies for www - based courses
  • Multimedia/hypermedia systems
  • Presentation and sharing of knowledge in the implementation and operation of eStrategy
  • Social Networking: Blogs, Wikis, …
  • Educational/Serious Games and Software
  • IT Services Management and Development
  • Security and Data Protection
  • Videos for Learning and Educational Multimedia
  • Animation and 3D Applications
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Learning and Teaching Innovations
  • Advanced classroom applications and technologies
  • m-Learning: mobile applications and technologies
  • Blended Learning and Flipped Classroom
  • e-Tutoring and e-Mentoring
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Building Virtual Communities

3. E-content Management and Development, tools and content – oriented application

  • Agents and agent’s systems
  • Author environment and authoring tools
  • Interactive learning environments
  • Group-ware tools
  • Virtual reality and virtual eLearning infrastructures
  • Quality and efficiency of eLearning
  • Complex eLearning environments and solutions
  • Concepts and modeling of virtual infrastructures: eLearning, e-business, e-medicine, virtual laboratory, virtual university
  • mLearning: blending the web - based training and wireless eLearning
  • Management and engineering of eLearning systems
  • Standardization of eLearning objects
  • Intelligent tutoring
  • Perspectives in security and research
  • Digital Libraries and Repositories
  • User-Generated Content
  • Open Content
  • Learning Analytics
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Building Virtual Communities
  • Plagiarism and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Digital Rights Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Training the e-Trainer
  • Online Assessment

4. Cases and projects

  • Specific courses and designing solution in the countries and institutions
  • Institution - specific cases
  • Virtual universities and university portals
  • Trends in development of new communication technologies and services
  • eLearning and legislation
  • The sustainability of open access in news media and higher education, and the impact of massive open online courses (MOOCs)
  • New Experiences for Curriculum
  • Integration of cross-cultural studies
  • Generic skills and their development
  • Courses, Tutorials and Labs
  • Course management
  • Skill needs of Labour

5. New Trends and Experiences and New Challenges for the Higher Education Area

  • Vocational training
  • Employability issues and trends
  • Language Learning Innovations
  • STEM Education Experiences
  • Pedagogical Methods and Innovations
  • Collaborative and Problem-based Learning
  • Game-based learning and Gamification
  • Academic Advising and Tutoring
  • Assessment of student learning
  • Examination Policies and Grading methods
  • Learning space design: Next generation classroom
  • New challenges for the Higher Education Area


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Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    15 Nov.



    16 Nov.


  • 09 Sep.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information


Sponsored By

  • ELFA

Supported By

  • Czechoslovakia Section
    Technical University of Kosice