
The 3rd International Workshop  on Human Factors in Modeling (HuFaMo 2018) Co-located with the ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2018) 

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2018-07-24

Author guidelines

We solicit four types of submissions, each with their specific quality and review criteria.

  1. EMPIRICAL STUDY of human factors in modeling, including replication studies and negative results. We strongly encourage authors to submit raw data and analysis scripts.
  2. STUDY DESIGNS investigating human factors in modeling. These contributions will be evaluated based on the quality of the study design alone, i.e., whether the reviewers deem them promising to obtain meaningful, valid, and interesting results. No actual study results are expected.
  3. THEORY PAPERS contributing to, or develop, a theory of some aspect of human factors relevant in modeling. No empirical validation is required, but a thorough analysis of the existing work from all relevant fields (including e.g., psychology, sociology, philosophy and more as appropriate) is expected.
  4. TOOL PAPERS that present any software developed to support experiments related to human factors in modeling. We intend here to promote tools that can speed up the software implementation of an experiment. We typically seek for libraries, frameworks, API... that gather data about human actions and/or interactions between humans and electronic devices.

All of these should have between 6 and 8 pages in length, including references, appendices, and figures. All submissions should clearly state in their title, to which of the above category they belong. All accepted submissions will be discussed in the workshop. Publication requires at least one of the authors to be present at the workshop. We particularly encourage researchers that need to design a study but lack experience in this field to come forward and present study designs so these may be discussed and improved, leading to better quality research.

All workshop papers will be published in a dedicated CEUR-WS volume. We strongly encourage authors to publicly archive additional materials like raw data or analysis scripts on Zenodo before submitting. As in the previous year, we are planning to publish the best papers of the workshop in a Special Issue of a high-impact journal.

Topics of submission

Modeling is a genuinely human enterprise, so many of the questions related to modeling can only be answered by empirical studies of human factors. The HuFaMo workshop series is the venue for early-stage empirical research involving human factors in modeling. Our goal is to improve the state of the science and professionalism in empirical research in the Model-Based Engineering community. Typical examples of such questions might consider the usability of a certain approach such as a method or language, or the emotional states or personal judgments of modelers.

We invite submissions regarding empirical studies of the following aspects :

  • Emotion and preference of users in the face of modeling related tools and activities

  • Stress, load, and performance involving modeling activities and artifacts

  • Communicative and cognitive strategies and styles connected to modeling activities

  • Training and testing of modeling, modeling tools, and related practices

  • Capabilities and competencies

  • Team and group behavior, including behavior across (social) media


  • Silvia Abrahão, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
  • Miguel Goulão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Patrick Heymans, University of Namur (Belgium)
  • Xavier Le Pallec, University of Lille (France)
  • Emmanuel Renaux, IMT Lille Douai (France)


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Important dates

  • 15 Oct.


    Conference date

  • 24 Jul.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information

  • Prof. Silvia Abrahão