
The 2019 International Conference on Mining and EnvironmentTechnology: Good Mining Practices and Its Aplication (ICMET 2019) is an international conference which covers Enginering scope that includes three (3) majors areas, 1) Mining, 2) Environment and 3) Technology. ICMET 2019 will be held on July 15-17, 2019 in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This conference hosted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram and organized by  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2019-02-15

Abstract submission deadline:2019-02-15

Author guidelines

Before you proceed, carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:

  1. The Paper Should be written in English.
  2. View the theme and scope topics.
  3. The length of submitted paper is at least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages in A4 Paper size
  4. All review processes are blind peer-reviews
  5. All review processes are single blind peer-reviews
  6. Full paper must be submitted through ICMET Submission System

Topics of submission


Surface mining of mineral deposits

Underground mining of mineral deposits

Sustainable development in the mining industry

Mine closure

Clean coal technologies

BAT technologies in mining

Natural Renewable Resources

Mining Geology


Mineral Processing

Mining and Safety


Environment Technology:

Environmental protection in mining

Ecological aspects of exploitation and use of energy resources

Air pollution

Soil contamination, remediation and reclamation

Assessment of Environmental Impact

Mining water and waste water management

Life Cycle Assessment

Systems of Environmental Protection

Legislation in environmental protection

Public Health and Environment

Market emissions (ETS, carbon, GHG, SOx)


Program Committee

  • Rektor

  • Wakil Rektor 1

Organizing committee

  • Ketua LPPM

  • Sekretaris LPPM

  • Ketua Divisi Publikasi, Konferensi, dan Pengelolaan Jurnal


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Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    15 Jul.



    17 Jul.


  • 15 Feb.


    Abstract submission deadline

  • 15 Feb.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information


Sponsored By

  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Organized By

  • Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat