
The 7th ICTVC will take place from 19 to 21 June 2019 in Patras, Greece. The conference will be organised by the Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication in collaboration with the Library & Information Centre of the University of Patras and will be supported by academic and professional organisations. A series of workshops will precede the conference and a range of exhibitions will frame and enrich the main event.
    Since its inception in 2002, ICTVC has been established as one of the most prominent international events in its field. Supporting open, meaningful dialogue, the conference attracts people from many different countries and disciplines who share a passion for research, education, and practice in relation to typography and visual communication.
    ICTVC’s thematic areas are informed by its previous events, and formulated in response to the sociopolitical, economic and cultural environment. It places this discourse in the context of the impact of new technologies on research, theory, history, education and practice in typography, printing, publishing, and other visual communication disciplines.
    The 7th ICTVC 2019 theme is "Challenging design paths". We will examine the value of design for visual communication and provoke participants to challenge current assumptions.

Call for paper

Important Dates

Draft paper submission deadline:2018-10-31

Call for paper description

We invite proposals for presentations, panel discussions, and pre-conference workshops.
    Papers submitted to the ICTVC scientific committee should describe work that has neither been previously published nor is under review by another conference. Proposals for individual speakers should be for 30-minute presentations and must include the following:
1. Title
2. Speaker(s') / panellists' names
3. Abstract (300 words)
4. Speaker biography (100 words)
5. Contact information
Submission of proposals is managed through EasyChair, a comprehensive conference paper management system.
    Proposals for panels should indicate the theme and the panel’s participants. Preference will be given to proposals for fully constituted panels. Moderated panel discussions will be scheduled for 60 minutes, including Q&A.
    Workshops can vary in length and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis; you should include a proposed length, facilities required, and the minimum/maximum number of participants.


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Important dates

  • Conference Dates

    19 Jun.



    21 Jun.


  • 31 Oct.


    Draft paper submission deadline

Contact information

  • Klimis Mastoridis
  • Gerry Leonidas
  • Karel van der Waarde

Sponsored By

  • University of Nicosia, Cyprus