The 1st International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics (CCI 2018) will be held in Amman, Jordan in the period November 19-21, 2018 under the patronage of HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson King Hussein Cancer Foundation, and in Partnership with the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
About 150 scientists, researchers, technical experts and practitioners of Cancer Care Informatics from around the Globe are expected to join this conference participating and enriching R&D in Informatics-Empowered Cancer Care.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
Call for paper
Important Dates
Draft paper submission deadline:2018-08-31
Author guidelines
Manuscripts need to be prepared and submitted with full adherence to the IEEE CS format (Format Link).
NOTE: A Selected Set from the Finally Accepted Camera Ready FULL REGULAR PAPERS will be shortlisted for further review and extension to appear in the first dedicated International Journal on Cancer Care Informatics and to appear in a special issue in 2018/2019.
The maximum number of pages for regular papers is 10 pages.
For workshops and the Ph.D. Consortium, the page limit is 8 pages.
For poster and demo papers, the page limit is 4 pages.
Papers will be peer-reviewed by international reviewers in related discipline. Authors of accepted papers will be required to attend and present their papers in a plenary session.
A selected set of papers from the regular conference papers will be nominated to submit to the first International Journal on Cancer Care Informatics within a special issue subject to further extension and review by designated reviewers.
Topics of submission
CancerCareInformatics is the first international conference on Cancer Informatics attracting researchers, policy makers, and practitioners that employ informatics to empower cancer care holistically, where the cancer patient is the focus in the cancer care journey involving all concerned stakeholders. The conference is anticipated not only to be a platform, but also as a key enabler of developing new knowledge to address many of the unmet needs of healthcare strategies and policy makers in informatics-enabled cancer care, provide accessibility to next generation peer-reviewed research in cancer care informatics, requirements engineering for cancer care, lean engineering of cancer care processes, policy changes to cancer care enabled by informatics, governance, change management, and taking into consideration cultural change implications in attending to informatics-enabled cancer care. In addition, the conference is aimed at attracting state of the art research in the provision of (1) cancer care software services, clouds and tools, (2) big data analytics for cancer care, (3) reducing the digital divide in cancer care, (4) Cancer Care and Life Long Learning, (5) Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Cancer Care Informatics, (6) methods for evaluating the effectiveness of employing cancer care informatics strategies, policies, etc.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Strategies, Policies and Governance for Cancer Care Informatics
- Requirements Engineering for Cancer Care
- Cancer Care Software Services, Clouds and Tools
- Cancer Genmoics and Big Data Analytics for Cancer Care
- Reducing Digital Divide in Cancer Care
- Cancer Care and Life Long Learning
- Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Cancer Care Informatics
- Methods for Evaluating Cancer Care Informatics Effectiveness
- Lean Engineering for Cancer Care
Co-Founder of the International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics, CEO and Director General of the King Hussein Cancer Center
Co-Founder of the International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics Chairman of the Department of Cell Therapy and Applied Genomics Chairman of the Research Council King Hussein Cancer Center
Co-Founder of the International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics, Head of the Software Engineering Research Group - University of the West of England Bristol, UK, Professor of Cancer Care Informatics, King Hussein Cancer Centre, Jordan.